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Reviews for "SP - Generic Dance Song 3 V4"


certainly very very good. unbelievable almost

but in my honest opinion, does not deserve best of all time (at least, when i wrote this comment, thats where this song ranked)

criticism. you asked for it.

more bass, tho disregard if you intend to have only high/med parts. (which i dont like, fyi, not that you need to listen to me)

your percussion is terrible. its a loop most of the time. and just on the beats. be creative. percussion is its own voice, give it interesting non simple beat stuff.

add some layered background maybe, the sound is clear throughout, theres space to get more complex.

reuse material. try layering one melody or chord part over another.

bring in some standout solo parts.

add some frills and trills to your piano part. and usually pianos are played with more than one note at a time.

at 2:17 instead of repeating, break to higher notes or lower notes, get expansive with that jumpy melody.


does this have more downloads than listens?

Perfect Name

hey, ur num 1 today congrats haha


Really liked it.