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Reviews for "Leisure Suit Harry"

worst game ever made

You have to type every thing you have to do. Harry walks so slow it gets boring just after you leave you leave your dorm room. Of all the games i played in NG, this probably the worst game of all.

not bad but not great

I keep getting stuck on getting the beer.I get the fat guy to put it in the trash can,but I can't get it out of there cause it keeps saying "try getting closer" but I can't get closer.

pretty good

good game. ccrappy graphics but i c u wanted to get that old video game look.

Not too good but still a faithful adaptation

This game has crappy graphics yes but this is a very good game.You get to go to places.My complaint is that it is a little annoying when you ask for something.Anyway a pretty good remake

Idiot's Guide to Leisure Suit Harry...

For every person that's whined about not knowing what to do. Read the full list of reviews before posting. All of this walkthrough came from previous posts.

Dorm room:
-Go to top bed, "Piss Bed"
-Go to game set, "Play game"
-Go to window, "Piss cat"
-"Moonwalk", type it again to disable it
-Go to door, "Open door"

Downstairs in the Lobby:
-Go to the backpack on the chairs, "Get backpack"
-Go to the mailboxes at the top of the screen, "Check mail" or "Get mail"
-Go right to Bathroom

-Go to far right wall, "Read text"
-Go to urinal, "Shit urinal"
-Go to Condoms, "Buy Condoms"
-Go to sink, "Wash hands"
-Leave bathroom

-"Get paper" to remove toilet paper.
-Leave Dorm Lobby

-Go left until you reach Liqour Store

Liquor Store:
-Stand in front of guy, "Talk guy"
-Head back to the dorm

-Go to trash can, "Get beer"

-Go right to Library

-Go to both trees and "piss tree"
-Enter library, go to the shelf nearest to the librarian on the left, "look books"
-Exit library, go as far left or right as necessary to reach Frat house.

Frat house:
-Go to door, "talk guy"
-Go back to dorm

-Go to two girls' room across from stairs
-Go to bottom of bed
-Look girls, "talk girls"
-"Get panties" at bottom of bed
-Go back to frat house

Frat House:
-Go to door, "talk guy", "open door"
-Go down right hand stairs (I've yet to have a glitch with any stairs, but some ppl say if you can't go down the stairs, Moonwalk down)
-Go to girl in blue, "look girl" *shudder at ugliness* "talk girl"
-Go to keg, get beer, repeat go to girl, etc until she is drunk.
-Leave basement
-Go to lefthand stairs
-Go to door on right, "open door"
-Go to bed, "look girl" seems to work fine.
-Leave frat house
-Go to Library again

-Go to girl studying, "look girl", "talk girl"

Extra points glitch: To ensure you get a score 201+, wait until the sex scene's over and the red credits show, then type "look around" then "talk", the sex scene repeats and you get more points. You can continue doing this over and over if you time it with the credits. My ending score was 466. Yeah, I had the newlweds have sex A LOT. Harry deserves some good lovin'.