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Reviews for "Swiss Goat"

good movie

good movie i loved it and it was really funny did it take you long to make this movie?

Damn Goat...

I would have killed the bitch.

Well that was real nice, good graphics, and also kind of funny...but...hey!
Switzerland! Alps! please DONT greek folk music for that :-)

but it fits in great, go on making such stuff !

Good music choice. Zorba rocks!

Also, the goat looked a little like a Terrier.

good story!

but i think some scences are too long ,aren't they?anyway ,it's humorous,i like it

good stuff

i thought this was great.

And on a side note to those who review this before me, and those who reviewed this after, if u cant appericate somes one elses work that is obivously better than anything u could ever hope to curn out, then dont both writing a bad review when everbody else loves it and doing it in a manner that makes u seem like a total ass, by say stuff like "Try again, dweeb. God it annoyed me!", not to point anyone out specificly.