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Reviews for "Political Cartoon Jihad"

Oh yes

This was awesome. The guy before me needs to get a freaking sense of humor for god's sake. I found this funny because most of it's true, but they aren't commiting too many acts against americans, more again sunni and shiites (I think that's how it's spelled) so this actually worked.

Ah, yes, religious hatred

If only people would notice from time to time what an incredibly small percentage of members of any religion actually commit religious violence. The average muslim is more likely to be struck by lightning than commit any act of terrorism. Perhaps the creator of this flash is a member of a certain U.S. extremist political interest group.

Fucking wicked!

This was LOL!

"Everyday, a muslim blows up somewhere".

So fucking true!



i got a couple of chuckles out of it :)

but i totally agree with being able to bash on christians and jews etc etc. these people who say you're not "allowed to" aren't thinking. look, we're basically allowed to say anything. freedom of speech right? everywhere you go, everywhere you look, whether it be on TV, or magazines, or even flashes, people make fun of these religions ALL THE TIME!! but none of these religions bomb embasseys and go nuts over a silly cartoon. I've seen worse than cartoons about the religions other than that of the muslim people. so muslims, GET OVER IT and move on...its just a cartoon. It never hurt anybody! if anything, you're hurting people over the cartoon.

That shit was more annoying then foamy!

But atleat HE can be funny! "You can bash on christrans, buddests and jews all day long..."? Wtf? No, you can't can't do that either, dumbshit. Your just letting letting your arragance to the world around you to get ahead of you. Your like the idiots at my school who all think they know politics. This is everything that make a bad political rant minus the funnyness. I useally don't vote this way, but this is just racist BS. Stay off flash till you have fully developed in your mothers womb and then try again.

Vinbasshred responds:

people like you must be living in an aquarium