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Reviews for "Murloc RPG"

I hate you like you wouldnt believe...

I want more!!!! because my computer sucks so bad, i cant play the REAL WoW, so this is the closest thing i will probably ever get to playing it. I was hoping it would take at least a day to finish, but it onbly lasted a few hours...

un-mediocre responds:

A whole day! That would be insane :) I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the comments! :D


ARE YOU SURE YOU DONT WORK FOR BLIZZARD??? ...it would make sense because this game is kinda addicting... XD

Good job though, i really enjoyed this in all its murloc glory! I especially enjoyed being something like a murloc palidan! :D

un-mediocre responds:

Thank you! :) Murloc Paladin! HAHA! That would own :P


this was fun. very well done.

un-mediocre responds:

Thank you! :)

Make a second one!!!>:)

I enjoyed this game alot and I hardly died. I finished it in 1hr but it was still a really good game. make the second one so i can beat it.Note: will there be different sounds in different areas because after awhile it starts gettin a little annoying.
I had alot of trouble on Fagnus(AKA the giant rat mage) and I know other people would have a hard time to kill cause he heals so i will tell you how i killed him. all u need to do is develope the skill pummel so he wont attack then u have a free turn to attack then you will need to attack again with pummel. repeat this till ur out of energy. then use magic dust( if u dont have some ur screwed, get it at the goblin dude for 60 bronze each.) on ur free turn. repeat this technique until u can use ur execute(if u have it) to finish that stupid gay rat for good.

un-mediocre responds:

There are many strategies, maybe look at some interesting ones in my forum :)Thanks for the comments! :D

Good job

I have to say I really enjoyed this game when I played it. It was fun and it had a bit of challange to it. Especially that last kobald if you fight him unprepared in the skills department. (Thankfully loading up on tons of magic dust helps you get lucky)

The graphics were really good. The animation on the murlocs looked great and fluid, but I did sort of wish you could move alittle faster when moving from screen to screen.

The story was quite interesting and thats what got you them style points there.. along with how well everything just seemed to flow together.

The sound was good, but for a personal note I wish you could make him do the murloc sound whenever you wanted. I like that sound. XD

Violance was good, and the death animations was very fluid in my opinion... especially when it came to those kobalds. I liked how.

The standard RPG format was good for the interactivity. Why remake the wheel right? XD Though being able to pick your talents was near and dear to my WoW playing heart.

Humor was a zero because I might have missed it if it was in there... if there was any... >.>;

Overall I really enjoyed this submission so you get yourself a 10 buddy. ^_^

un-mediocre responds:

Thanks a bunch! :)