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Reviews for "iwp makes ANOTHER movie"

Well well well... we meet again!

You know, I have this annoying habit of giving your movies a 9, then regret not giving them 10's a while later, and it'll probably happen with this, too... Ah well, onto the review!

The jokes about blamming movies were funny, and the part where you added another to your "blam" count after each one was a cute addition. However, you only did this twice, and it's generally held that "three is the charm" for jokes like that, so another one would have really helped. Perhaps even something by one of those "fake clocks" you told me about? Of course, it was still pretty funny, I just think you could have expanded on it just a bit more. Drawings and expressions were fine, and everything moved along quite smoothly. However, the part that REALLY makes this movie shine is that you did a nice job of portraying your own personal opinion on IWP's movies and how they've been going downhill (I personally agree that they USED to be funny, but...). You didn't go "iwp sUkz0rs n0w di3z1!11!shiftone!1" like most people do to stuff they hate, which is a MAJOR plus in my opinion! In fact, that can probably make up for just about any single shortcoming this movie has, seeing as those are incredibly rare here on NG! Originality like that can never be a bad thing!

As for the controversy... I've never thought that expressing something you hate in flash form and putting it on such a public site was a good idea (despite being tempted to do the same sometimes), for reasons that is obvious in this movie's reviews. I realize a bit of chaos here and there is good for the NG crowd (and is even unavoidable sometimes), but I personally think there are better ways to go about it... Of course, that's all just my opinion, and has no real bearing on your movie's final score.

The conclusion? You're one of the few to be able to express your anger at something without having it end up in nothing but a cloud of flame and meaningless violence. The only thing that really bugs me is a joke here and there that you could have taken a bit further for the sake of more humor without going too far, but nonetheless, it was humorous (by the way, is the "you damn furry" line a referance to VGCats?), and got your point accross in a mature way that gives facts and reason to your thinkings! Nice job, and I look forward to your future works! And as I say in every review I make, good luck in them, as well!

RupeeClock responds:

The third charm was User Agreement, but things happened and I didn't get to vote 0. :P

Well the controversy part? I got about 2,3 foamy fan reviews against my submission, that's it, the point of this movie was to share an opinion with the public, I did just that.

And no, that is not a reference to VGCats. :P


Foamy sucks. That's a not-so-well-known fact. Iwp needs to be shot. In the face. With a shot gun. Several times. As does whoever does that fuckingirritatinghighpitchedkickedinballssoprano voice for Foamy. I loved that last line. Classic. The Clock Crew are the prophets of our age!!!!!!!! Just kidding. Kicks ass though.

RupeeClock responds:

I dunno about killing him, I just want him to stop. :P

This flash is cool.

It rocks rocks just as much as illwillpress sucks. (which is a lot)

RupeeClock responds:

I must be doing even greater than usual then, IWP is starting to suck more and more!

IllWillPress is an A-hole

In case you didn't notice, Illwillpress has sank to a new low with his latest flash film, in which he copies off his 'hurricane special' and insults Mexican making him a rascist low-life flash animator. As for YOUR flash movie, I enjoyed it. It was especially funny when Straberryclock was about to say 'tits' and you cut him off with the end credits. I want you to stay on this website, but please for the love of god, get IllWillPress out of here! He's giving me nightmares!

RupeeClock responds:

EVERYONE wants him to stop, seriously.

Well, almost everyone here, you should see the scores and stuff, it's unbelievable.

He hasn't won a single portal award this year!

Thank you!

Hellz yeah!

I might be new to NG, but I've heard of John Mathers site, because my best friend really likes foamy. I, myself, hate it. All it is is a big unfunny, sickining, and retarded tween-fest, it really wasn't that big of a deal for me, though. Until my friend made me watch 'User Agreement' I swear to God, I almost Vomited. I could just imagine all the 11 year old fat kids wearing Linkin Park shirts 'Beating it' to the animation. I hated it.

I love you, Rupeeclock! Not only was this animation slick (I loved the beginning with the Gameboy music, and the text moving along with it) and funny (Numa Numa Naruto?), but it was educational and accually showed how low Mathers has gotten over the years. I Salute you <3


RupeeClock responds:

Why thank you! As apposed to all the other new members around here, you're actually pretty intelligent!