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Reviews for "Once More - F-777"

This is pure magic.

I have never in all my days heard a better song on newgrounds, or on anything for that matter, I think this is song is one of the top songs I've heard of any genre.

I am so glad that you made this.

Thank you.


Newgrounds posesses something special, and it is orchestrated throughout every artist here - and the potential of those who only listen remains unfortunately untapped.

What you choose to recognize and truly appreciate is what consitutes preference and genre, but it is wholely beautiful.

That having been said, this piece is beautiful. There is always something interesting about your styles where you manage to combine an electronic dance with sort of a trance feeling.

Hard to describe, but certinally present.


Great Job!

I love how you can just recycle the old presets over and over without it ever sounding old. I mean, It's not as if this piece doesn't have anything new, but you also recycled some of your previous presets AND made it sound fresh. That takes talent. Ignore IK0NiC. I've noticed a trend in bad musicians, (can they even be called musicians?) which is that they tend to insult people or blam submissions that they KNOW far overshadow their own. So don't worry about it. He's just one dude that's doing his best to bring down the quality of this great submission.


Screw to hell. You are so fucking arrogant - it's fucking insane.

So far I hear that you just made up two enemies without a reason; F-777 and Helth.

Keep up the great work on that... Looool

TO the song:

Amazing quality - really uplifting :D

Epic ^^

;D I love the fades at the beggining.. as soon as I heard the opening melody I pressed download :)