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Reviews for "Kingdom Hearts Universe"

could use work

This looks like yor first peace of work so I won't bash into it hard, but I will say this. I think you got ahead of yourself. I mean the fight would be good if the graphics were better. Also when there are lines like in the opening let the reader have a chance to read them. I liked the premice, but if you decide to I would like to see this redone with a better graphical style. Smoother and with more animation

This need a lot of work...

The graphics were kinda sub par. The music got kind of annoying after a while on that continuous loop. The intro was rushed. The fight was nothing really inspired and the lack of any dialogue kinda hurt the flash as well.

Dont get me wrong, it wasnt awful or anything, but like the title says, this needs work. A LOT of work! Dont give up! Improve your skills and try again!


Ya see, it's not that it's a horrible animation, it's just that it really doesn't /do/ anything.
I mean, it doesn't have any text to read to support the story aside from that one line.
There is no speech in it, and the music even stops part way through.

Kingdom Hearts was a bad choice for a name as well, it's misleading, I came here wanting to see Sora, Riku, Axel or Roxas, instead I get this random battel with semingly no point.

Also, the graphics style needs some work, there's no form in the faces.
no angling from the forhead into the nose then from the nose into the lips.
That would have really helped.

Finally, the animation leaves a bit to be desired, I sugguest trying to make it smoother next time.

Dude, this has none of the charaters from Kingdom hearts, but it's still kinda good.

ok...the movie was..entertaining...but.......

in case you didnt notice,but only 2 enemies made sense from kingdom hearts,neoshadows and darkside,but this was the problem,how can you call it a universe when most of your weapons are like dragon weapons from runescape,the red ones,and none of the characters were in the game unless you meant an armoured version of alice from wonderland,this made no plotline sense,no characters made sense either,if you wanted to make more sense,make the name to do with what you are illustrating in the movie,not just a piece,like if i made this it would have marth in it and i would call it marth's kingdom hearts,good example,bad example,yours,now then i think i am bout done...oh wait the sound,the song is simple and clean,not imaginary whatever it was,cept it was a rock song(lmao hip hop isn't good rock,especialy japanese anime music and stuff)and the song was the only thing in sound on it,add more fighting sounds,simple,and transforming shouldn't be lines,make them detailed,and dont worry bout violence,that can be anything,just makes a difference between everybody-adult only,i wouldnt say interactivity is much,it is JUST a movie,and humor is just to entertain the viewer a little more,graphics are good for a beginer i gotta give you that much,well i am done,goodluck!