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Reviews for "Primal War 05"

Die reptiles!

That was great! I havent seen anything like that in times! But I the earlier parts should been watched first. How much more to come?

Wow, That was just great

I loved it. Can't wait for the next one. Will the next one feature the white Gorilla??? Cause I like the white Gorilla.

One of your better movies.

Little bit hard to believe in some areas though. Like catching an arrow and being able to swim perfectly with a bolt in the chest. It also leaves you wondering why there were so many dinosaurs positioned nearby the boat, but I suppose one could argue that they just have virtually total control over the area. All the same, it was a tiny bit far-fetched, but a fair bit better than the other Primal Wars. You've made noticeable progress, particularly with sound effects this time. I'm still curious as to what animal liberated the Lion King though. Very well done!



Serioulsy cool man.. wish i could do flash that well! how long did it take to make that?? Quality man, keep up the good work.

The best so far!

Graphics/Animation: 9
As I've started most of my reviews so far, I'm going to start this one with compliments to your backgrounds and special effects. This time they were to say the absolute least...spectacular. The rain effects were so realistic, as were the backgrounds in the very beginning. The only thing that kills me is how the characters are somewhat cartoony in comparison to the realistic backgrounds behind them. It doesn't exactly murder the score as you can tell, but you have the talent to make realistic characters, and I think it should be used. But I'm not bashing this movie at all, I think everything was great here from the arrows flying and guns shooting to the swimming scenes.

Audio: 9
This was another category where it's been the best so far. All of the music was PERFECT in the places where it needed to be, which makes for a much better and enjoyable viewing experience. Also, the sound effects were pretty crazy as well, not only from the guns and arrows being shot, but also when it came to characters moving and the sounds being made on everything extra. The key to impressing viewers is the amount of sound detail you have in your flash and the importance in Audio is crucial to making successful movies, but you've done really well for yourself in the improvement of your sounds!

Story: 9
The story is only continuing to get better as I move slowly, but steadily through watching all of your movies. I like how there was a prisoner-break movie, as I definitely didn't see this coming at all. I was really getting pumped when I watched this movie because everything about the characters was so badass that it's really got me going and ready to see the next one in the lineup.

Overall: 9/10
It's getting harder and harder for me to review because I feel like I'm saying the same old thing every time you improve, but the idea of a review is to let you know how you've been improving and where your points of improvement need to be. So I apologize if I'm sounding repetitive, but this is a critic's point of view. But overall this flash is definitely a 9/10 as it's been the best one in the series that I've seen so far. I'm extremely impressed with the time you've released all of these movies as well. 5 Primal War movies with insane movies and ideas in only 3 months? That's quite an impressive accomplishment! Well I'm off to the next movie, but great work!