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Reviews for "Lust For Rust"

Pleffy weffy woo!

"Je suis un amie un David Firth, therefore je suis enable du milk the Salaid Fingers le teet et make a really unorigonal game thats been done to death, and paste Salad Fingers in there and I'll get front page!!"

- If you think in French (en frencais) then I bet thats what you thought before making this game. If not I'm sure you thought something very similar.

Your friends with David Firth. Whoop dee fuckin do! Does that entitle you to make this unorigonal peice of junk and simply paste everyones favorite delerious Canker Muffin on there (that being Salad Fingers). Like dude. Salad Fingers fucking rocks. It's one of the most origonal things on the web. If you wanted to make this your own work insted of a Salad Fingers clone, you suceeded. Actually you did quite the opposite of what Firth does when making Salad Fingers. You made an unorigonal peice of shit.


Like, I'm almost as pissed of at you as I was with the fucktard that made that Linsy Lohan game. Hmm, go check it out, it looks exactly like this one, and the 2000000 other versions of the same game that are not being played ALL OVER the internet! Wasteing webspace, thats what they do. Fuckin hell.

Way back in the day when I was first introduced to Salad Fingers, I dreamed of using my semi-shitty programming abilites to make a Salad Fingers game. Me and Firth would tag team to make a smashing hit. It's a damn shame you pulled it off before me, cause mine might have at least had a touch of origonality.

But don't get me wrong, your a good artist and a good programer. I hope you're mature enough to have read this far in the review, cause now I'm going to say something nice. Dude, I've said it in so many reviews before...YOUR TALENTED! Put your talent to good use and do something that expresses you. Using someone elses characters is okay, but using someone elses characters on a game thats been around for YEARS...like fuck dude...thats about as uncreative as you could get. Use your talent, create something that defines you! Don't be hesitent or shy or scared, just let the idea's flow and I'm sure you can come up with something great!

Good luck with future stuff, be yourself, and let your work show the true you!

SpOOn TastiC!!

Very cute- kinda hard but there has to be a challenge or you wouldn't want to play it a second time, which I did- I played it four times. N e way- good job!



This was ok..

This was an ok game...I agree with the guy before me...I to am a Salad Fingers friend..but this had little to do with Salad fingers...Accept for the fact...of corse he's obsessed with Rust...I found this game with little replayability...i could only play for about 5 mins and get bored...However on my 3rd time playing i got to Orgasmic...(yeah for me)...But anyways if u do say a Sim type game with Salad Fingers You'll be seeing my review...


Your Lord And Master Cj


I am a Salad Finger fan too. But this game, and I am judging this game purely on the basis of its gameplay, was not so good. Half of the games on Newgrounds invole catching things and therefore your orignality isn't too high. Plus, the millipede was a bit too wide so it made it more difficult to avoid. Now from a Salad Finger relevance standpoint, you only captured some of the essence of Salad Fingers, and here's why:
This game was much too structured while the world in which Salad Fingers dwells is abstract and virtually unpredictable. By setting in place rules by which the game abides, you completely disregarded the point of Salad Fingers, which is a surrealistic universe. Next time, create a game, much like a sim game, in which you can control Salad Fingers and carry out his unusual daily routines. That, in my opinion, better suits the driving idea behind all that which Salad Fingers is.

I love Salad Fingers

Man i like the style of ur movies. They're so....creepy and random and i like that. Cool style. And ur ideas r good too. I don't know what u weer thinking about when u made the first movie...maybe one of ur friends...Anyway it is GREAT!!! I'm waiting for next one :P!!!