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Reviews for "noobz"

pretty good

make it longer and try and clean up the sound (voices didnt come through very well in my opinion) and youve got something good, am i right when i assume this is about multiplayer halo and friendly fire noobs? :P

D3X responds:

Well... The idea i had was to add all those damn tards that nade themselves leave games, scream 4 no reason sing and lag and gettng assasinated when you got the sword... There are loads. That game has got tons of pottential for spoofs n stuff. I just wih someone who can do it does one. Id like it.


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D3X responds:

Ha Cheers but if it was shit you shouldnt have rescued it... But u did so thanks! Guess that means it was THAT shit huh?

Well drawn graphics

I'm tired of all this halo flashes. be more creative next time

D3X responds:

Thx ill try >_<

What just happened there?

I was expecting online words to be used (e.g. pwned or own3d) but then I saw this. Didnt think much of the beginning but the end was what made me laugh. Should've had a plasma grenade stuck to him though.

D3X responds:

nothing it was pointless.


Thanks for the chukle bro :)

It was good for a beta (if it is a beta) :)

You should deffently make it longer, add more stuff (funny stuff)
You should add an end, and maybe a play again button, so it's not like just sitting there playing the musc loop over and over :)
Anything else... i dont know :)

But you've got one thing that gets you +1 point from me :) the fact that you voice covered it :) and not just computer generated it :)
That is very very VERY good keep it up :)

All in all i thought it was good for such a short movie :) keep at it you AND it has potential :)

DarkAngel out...

D3X responds:

Cheers man seriously. This is osme advice that i will use. Yeah it was a beta i didnt know how it would turn out on ng so i didnt wanna waste weeks on something that was gonna get blammed. Thx again!