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Reviews for "Behind the Magic"

I thought this was going to suck BOY WAS I WRONG!

Pros: It didn't just use the "Computer voice" it used a human voice as well. The fact that the animation was actually 10 times better then most of the clock crew stuff I've run across gave it a big boost. The sound was great. The fact that you made Strawberry Clock like he was kicked ass.

Cons: The fact that most anti-clocks will just try to blam it because it's about a clock and they won't even watch it.

Overall: KICKED ASS MAN!!!

P.S. to all you anti-clock guys that get satisfaction out of autoblamming clock stuff take time to watch it before giving it zero and you might actually find you like SOME of the stuff they put in the portal.

stoners-lunchbox responds:


As for anti-clocks... Let them blam my film. I just want my point proven. That's what's happening by them blamming my film.

And i get a free shot at them in reviews. How good is that?

Thanks for the feedback!


I was about to autoblam this just because I want the clock group to die, but then I watched it and laughed until my stomach hurt. Thank you for actually putting effort into this animation.

stoners-lunchbox responds:


On the other hand, if you'd notice that i'm the author of Ratbag & Furball, you'd notice it's impossible for me to NOT put effort in my animations.

Thanks for watching!


The animation was awesome, no doubts, nut the content was stupid. In case you were wondering the story for this flash is pretty much : "LOL STRAWBERRY IS A SILLY FAG". No body cares if a flash is crap quality, all that matters is the content. Me being a Lock, believe that animation is not always everything - Arfenhouse, for example.

"The voice acting and the script sounded like it came from someone who listened to eminem all day." Yep, so true. And where did you get the idea that Strawberry sounds like a girl?

Sorry but this flash sucked, it may deserve front page, but not the title of Clock Crew movie.

stoners-lunchbox responds:

LOL... Funny. You speak for the Clocks, yet most clocks said something that's TOTALLY different from what you said...

Another addition to my "Newgrounds' biggest fucking idiots" list and we're moving onto the next case...

Dear Logical Clock,

You have to be one of the smartest (if not THE smartest) member of the clock crew. Never have I seen such a successful revealing of how truly biased the Anti Clock Crew is. They don't care about the quality of any flash made, all they think is that as long as Strawberry Clock made those bad flashes in the very beginning (but really, those were just for fun), change is not allowed, no matter how much the Clock Crew in general were to improve. And their bias against groups doesn't make sense either. Sure there are bad ones out there like Robot Rangers (they don't even TRY to make good, crappy flashes), but that's no reason to hate on the Clock Crew. If all the Anti Clock Crew members decided to drop all their biases, and review movies for what they really should be judging them on (QUAL-I-TY), then maybe Newgrounds could be a more enjoyable place, not full of Anti Clock Crew flashes coming through the portal every hour, giving us more blam points (when we would probably be happier getting protection points). There is no reason to be biased just because of Strawberry Clock's early work. So, to all you Anti Clock Crew members; start judging Clock Crew movies fairly, because that's how they should be treated: Like any other flash.

Hoping you morons actually take this into consideration,

P.S. I know I probably repeated myself once or twice.
P.S.S If this somehow didn't get through to you, hit me up on AIM at 'pockypokchu'. I'd really like to talk to anyone who isn't convinced by this.

stoners-lunchbox responds:

Thanks for the review!

By the way, i decided to add you to my AIM list. Hope you don't mind.

I don't have much time, so i'm going to make this brief. Thanks for pointing it all out again, and i hope to see more from you in the future.

Quite like me, I must say...

I joined the clocks a while ago...though it's not under FireHydrantClock anymore. I'm now officially TwitchClock, a clock who is paranoid and ready to go off at any second.

His character is suppose to be a satire to the Clock Community and the Newgrounds Community as a whole. Some clocks think that the Clock Crew is everything on Newgrounds...that we're in a battle to show we deserve the proverbial throne at the top of the heap. TwitchClock kinda worries about everything and everyone because he thinks they're all out to get him. He doesn't know what to do or say because he feels he's going against his clock roots if he agrees with NG, and feels like he's betraying NG if he devotes himself to the CC.

In reality, the CC battle is nothing like most people make it out to be. I believe the the Clock Crew community exists purely as a group of animators. Essentially, it's a production company with a bunch of different workers submitting a bunch of different work. They don't want domination; they want acceptance. They want people to see that even the most simple animations can be funny or have talent laced into them.

While SC doesn't exactly support or dissuade anyone from joining the CC, that doesn't mean that he forgets their presence. Even if we are all crazy with the devotion we show, I think SC likes having us around because it takes his original and most basic concept and shows how it can grow, even if he didn't plant the seeds.

I enjoyed this flash. Quite a bit, truth be told. It's nice to sometimes put those that are psychotically defensive over the CC in their place and show that we exist to provide, not to take over.

Well done, my friend. Well done.

stoners-lunchbox responds:

Thanks for the extensive review. It's the second one i go through today.

I'm glad someone put in words what some people couldn't figure out after years of ClockCrew magic being in existance.

It's only now that i came into the picture and hit front page with a clock film that people are starting a fight for no reason. Shameful, because all i did is make Strawberry say what he thought a long time ago. Is that such a sin?

And is using clocks in films really such a problem? I don't always want to do Ratbag & Furball. These idiots never understood that part. I need to change every now and then, but NO. Clock films are taboo because "they just suck". Dickheads...

Thanks for the feedback and Kudos to you for outlining it all with such accuracy.