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Reviews for "X's Awakening"


Time stopped while i was watching this. Or at least it felt like i was in slow motion. Maybe it would be better if you cut the two hour long intro and animated the character's bodies. Drawings are decent. The animation is non existant.

I dunno.

The way the voices constantly kept switching left and right started getting annoying after awhile and the pacing of the movie was so slow I almost had to turn the thing off. The artwork was above average, but looked like it was mostly redrawn from original art.

This movie has some good points, but it really suffers from the quality of the voice acting and its snail-like pace. The X series is supposed to be fast-paced; it's an action game, for crying out loud.

Wing00 responds:

I agree that theres not enough animation but I did not make this movie to please the veiwers that demand non-stop action, I made it for the die-hard fans like myself who will put up with a well developed story.

It's kind of lackluster

This film is amusing, and a nice tribute to Megaman, albeit it has several minor flaws that all together work to bog down this film.
I'm not the biggest Megaman X expert, but I think the storyline that you crafted is inconsistent with the storyline as told in the Megaman X instruction booklet...
The voice acting is not very impressive. The various characters all have similar voices, making it difficult sometimes to figure out who is talking; they sometimes seem to mumble when they speak, though in reality they are talking quite distinctly... maybe you just went through the words too fast; and the fact that the vocal inflections are not very exaggerated doesn't help make the speech sound interesting.
In the fight sequence, I think that the horizontal point of view does not add any interest to the fight, so all we get is a view of a fired projectile, with almost no excitement. Mess around with the perspective next time. You don't need too much fancy animation... think Marvel comics... those pictures didn't move by themselves, but they inspired the imagination.
The music and the drawings were nice, I'll give you that. :)


the graphics were good, the movie was boring as hell... sorry to say. The intro was so long I had to quit it =(

Great drawings for your first flash but...

All your characters had the same horrible voice actor for it. I'm also not getting why Dr. Cain's left eye was kinda verticle?

Your drawings didn't really move. I was just seeing a series of frozen flash scenes. For example, X just appeared at the teleporter, you didn't draw him walking to it.

Other than that, it was decent, but you do need to work on that voice over factor or your gonna bore your audience to death.