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Reviews for "Ultimate Down"

wasnt a bad game

but it didnt particularly "wow" me... didnt like controls either

Well let's just say there could have been more.

I'm dissapointed in you (armorgames) Lately you have been turn in pure garbage. This is no exception. There where a number of problems with this game. The animation were very slow and their was lag so the bullets came to late to hit the enemys. The changing system with the weapons with horrible and some time unresponding. The fact that the stage was so limiting it made the action all the more well frankly "unfun". The enemys where something my little sister could have drew in a minute and same goes for the characters. When you deside to make a company base on mulitmedia and developing games you cant slack off on things. as a developer your responsible on the way your game turns out. Even if you making it for a another company or person. Even if their ideas suck try to add some depth to it persuade them to add things and if they dont comply then drop ther project. I wouldnt want to make a game for some one that sucked and lower my rep I would drop them in a flash. (now back to the game.) The sound of the different weapons were close but could have been closer the fact that it was a zombie fighter it made your style lower greatly. I mean how cliched is that. Well I'm going to keeping going on for ever so I leave you with this. Please use more sense and creativity.
Good luck

Louissi responds:

Thanks for taking time to review. Ihave to say i am pretty disapointed about newgrounds speed. My game is running at 40 fps if you play it on local. On newgrounds its kinda... slow motion. All the action is off. When I fist started this game I was actually thinking about making something classic. I was not trying to be original. The most part of the job is programming. It was a challenge for me to program an engine like that. You cannot tell its crappy. And for the animations... try to zoom a bit, they are pretty realistic: Eg. mp5 reload anim. This is a stick game, if you dont like sticks... well it's your prob. Maybe you could tell me how to fix that.. horrible weapons changing system. Maybe you could try using your keyboard numbers?

Pretty nice work

I liked the flamethrower effects and the overall idea of switching weapons. It's linear and level based which is never a plus in flash nowadays. Other than that 3/5

Good but.................

good but got boring after a while....
need more weapons or get money to buy em or somthing..... but good

me bored...