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Reviews for "Office Chimp"


Now that i see this, I'd love to see your new games,( If you make any, Which i hope you do!)

nice job

graphics: 10,not to chabby nice work on this one

style: 9, quite matches reality,but sims occur a lot on newground

sound: 8, always the same song,reminds me off ff7:-D,relaxing

violence: not really violence in this game...

interactivity:10, cmon it's based on interactivity

humor:7,kinda funny what ppl say and when you answer a thing wrong,SMACK,and the whole concept was kinda funny

overal:9,nice job on this one mate.

never make ceo in 50 days? follow this advise:
first make some money(work one complete day at paperwork) (and be sure to get 110 hp at the begin,rest on luck and str)
raise yer strenght,till you got no more cash to do abbs of steel,then do paper work,then train str again etc. till you have 150str or above then make some cash for 3 straight days,then to the gym and train str with the button that says racket ball and if you upped youre hp to 110 at the beginning you can choose abbss of steel when your hp is to low to do racketball,if you got 250 str or more,do some work then(paperwork)for 3days ,go to the health spa and train luck(vodoo seance),up luck to 250 or above,then train charisma to 250 or more at the gym with firmhandshakes,
okay if you done all that and it's day 30 or less,go buy 98 yakima goat beers(you can buy at starmucks coffe located on first floor,the brownish can is the beer),if you ain't got enough,work some more(paperwork),you will earn a lot of cash cause you have a lot of str,when you have 99 of them beers,if you got all that and it's day 35(or less)then go to the office of misato and chat with her till you can give her gifts(the chatting will go easy since her favourate attribute is luck,this will take max 3 days),now that you can give gifts guess wich :-D,yup the beer is her favourite(giving requires:5hp and 12t)give till youre hp is empty,go take a bit off a break(chair),give more gifts,but watch out to go home before 00:00.okay if you gave her all the beers,ask her a lot of questions and write the answers down(with youre high charisma she will always answer),and now it's time to get ourselfs to ceo in one big pull.go to the boss office and click on his pc,and say youre ready,choose misate(right corner in the bikini suite),and answer those questions!get them all right (3)and you rise a lvl,go to youre boss office and again,etc till one time whoa youre ceo,gratz.

Really Good

I really liked it! Its Really Hard To Beat Though, I only Got To Acolyte... But Oh Well Good Job


love the ppl in it
but it seems to long and boring


it was a good game, unique and addictive but the only thing is that the constant decrease in friendship's was annoying and hard to pass by! but other than that it was a fun game!