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Reviews for "Zeviron - Tetris"

Hey, remember me?...

...The guy who made the windows songs and gave you those long reviews on your older submissions XD. Well, those reviews will look short in comparison with the reviews I do now, so be prepared :D. Anyway, as for the remix itself, I enjoyed quite a bit, although it's not one of the best remixes out there, so it needs a little work...

The melodies are darn awesome, but obviously I can't credit you for them since this is a remix. What was a little annoying was that this was too much like the original. What I mean is, try and do some new original stuff with the melodies, instead of blandly keeping to the old one. For example, somewhere at 1:21, you do something which will take me ages to explain so instead I'll demonstrate it with this (remove spaces):

http://www.filedropper.com/tetrisrevi ewthing

(I hope I was allowed to do that...) Anyway, I think it'd make a better transition, and it would show you did more than just jot down the Tetris melodies and showered it with beats, bass and a saw synth, if you get what I mean. Also, there was a wrong note in your tetris melody; first time it appears is at 0:01. You did these notes: E - B - C - D - E - D - C - B - A - C - D - E, I think, when the last three notes should be A - C - E not C - D - E, I think. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the fact that I heard it as a wrong note sort of ruined the song, IMO.

Not much to say about the instruments. Sometimes I think the bass should be louder, but overall, I liked the instrumemts. 2:19 was awesome, by the way, I liked the instrument you used. This could do with a vocal sample, like a robotic delayed whisper saying 'Tetris' somewhere around 1:20, and also this could do with more effects. Not a bad job on the instruments in general, though.

The transitions are all great. The only thing I'd ask for is more epic transitions, like transitions with reverse cymbals, transitions where the song goes quiet for a bar, and in that bar, a kick every half-beat plays and starts getting louder, etc. Still, all transitions were smooth, and I also really liked the way you introduced new instruments. The buildup before 1:21 to get to the more action-packed saw synth was awesome, and so was the buildup before 2:19. Buildups were very nice in this song.

The song was quite well structured too, but the problem here is the variety. You're an awesome music producer, and if you had that little more variety in your songs, they would be epic. The song did last a little long for a tetris remix, so you could shorten it a little, and maybe give more variety of synths/background melodies. Add some of your own interpretations of the melody in the background, a bit like Parker did in his tetris remixes (the ones used in the T E T R I S ' D series).

The intro was quite creative, and I liked how you gave that video-gamey start to the song. I thought it was going to be a lame attempt to make a tetris remix while I was hearing the intro, but when the saw synth and drum beat kicked in, I knew then that I was wrong :D. Still, the intro dragged on a little too long, IMO. I think a better way would be to start building up the saw synth at 0:11 instead of 0:46-ish. Ending was nice though, if I had to change anything to it, I'd make the last note echo a little more.

The drums are pretty cool, but they were a little quiet. The beat was very good, and the samples were fine, but, like the melodies, the drums did get rather repetitive as well. If you had varied the drums more, it would've helped a lot with the song variety in general. Also, the drums were too quiet, and the saw synth covered it up almost completely.

You have a lot of talent at music producing, and this is a nice remix; better than a lot I've heard. Work on the variety, originality (can't be that original with a remix, but try and do something original with the melodies), loudness and variety of drums, and maybe shortening the intro a little, so that when people here this, they won't roll their eyes and say "Not another one", but instead, "Wow, this is great!"

-Review Request Club-

Very nice remix

A pretty cool song. It starts off very slow. I mean, the melody is nice (well, it's Tetris), but there isn't anything added to it at all. But then slowly you build up the song. At first I didn't even notice that there was another melody in the background until I suddendly realized that I was hearing the melody for quite some time already. ^^

Well, there's not much else I could say about this. I think it's perfect as it is now. The slow build up is interesting and it kept me interested in the song. It also isn't repititve even though the main melody (the Tetris song) is indeed very repititve. But it isn't so noticeable in this song because you constantly add other things. So the listener has something else to focus on so the repititiveness of the main melody doesn't carry so much weight. ^^

{ Review Request Club }


This is a nice remix. I don't really spend my time listening to the loads of Tetris remixes out there, but I just thought I could come and check this one out. It's done pretty well.

Pros: Arpeggiator used very well.
Good choice of VSTs
Great structure.
Beat was superb!
Excellent harmonics!

Cons: Repetitive at times.
More instruments and variables wouldn't have hurt.

Othewise, this is a pretty dank remix! Great job!

~ Review Request Club ~

Zeviron responds:

Hey thanks for the review.... wasn't really too sure if anybody was going to take the time out to listen to another Tetris Remix :) but thanks for that, and for you pretty helpful review.
Again thank you for the review and to the RRC :D


Loved it but i missed some FX so

kinda Down about that Fix it wuld ya?


Zeviron responds:

Hey thanks for the response :D
That's one thing that i surely will come back to and fix for sure...FX are a big part of music.
Well, mine anyway :)
Thanks again.