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Reviews for "Ultimate Robotnik Duels"

Definetly a crazy game

This is some good stuff. There seems to be soo many different boss forms you can change into. I don't even think I got to be them all. I'm not sure how the randomizer for the item that changes you works, but I definetly seemed to get the ball as well as some of the other sucky boss forms more often than others.

The graphics were all perfectly ripped from past Sonic Games and the flash window area to play it in is nice and big, most stuff is usually too small for people like me with high resolutions.

I guess this goes in the style section...Vehicle collisions are fine, but weapon collisions seem to not adapt to the terrain, and only recognize the basic window borders. Bombs didn't deflect off walls that I thought they should have in the labyrinth zone for instance. Also, I think it would be more natural if falling items landed on the ground instead of just disappearing when they hit the bottom. Oh and nice selection of characters and levels.

Sound is great, nice remixes and all that good stuff.


Interactivity...great, but why no mouse support in the menus?

Humor? N/A

2 questions...
Why does everything go so fast in Laser Station?

Is the music for Sunset Shore from an actual Sonic game or is it a custom remix?

Overall, awesome, keep up the good work.

Digimaks responds:

LAser station-
If you look carefully at BG- you will see that it is animated on music paste - like a music video. So in order to make FLASH not to delay FRAMES vs music- I Run that music track as STREAM instead of EVENT. So STREAM Cuts Frames, trying to keep the framerate even.

2) No Sunset Shore is A REMIX bu ZEROBASS of TWINKLE PARK (Sonic Adventure) you can find it on NG Audio portal- track ID- 13271 - see the specs of my submisson - on left.

My idea!

I always planned to make a game like this! I wonder why I didn't... Oh yeah, it was because I WAS TOO LAZY! (sob) I hate myself.

Overall, very good game. Loved the fact that you could watch at the category of different weapons, as well as the chosable characters. Keep up the good work!

Digimaks responds:

HEH! noone stops you from making a parody on my game parody on sonic and MortalKombat parody , LOL



this is the first game ive reviewed, so anyway, good job. I cracked up when i saw mario in character selct, hence, 10 for humor. Good game.

Digimaks responds:

HAHAH! Thanks! I thought- what the hell (not a commercial game anyway), and placed Mario in there.


As a game, I think this is flawed in many ways, the controls are dodgy, the characters fly around too fast, some of the weapons don' t work that well (that grabber thing) and the levels would be so much better if they were bigger (and scrollable), to mention a few.

However, this is such a kick-ass idea I cannot give you anything but a five. The game also has some redeeming features, the graphics are put together in a good way, it's pretty fun to play and we can chose between a bunch of different characters! awesome!

unrelated, why didn't you get this game sponsored?? I bet you could have got at least 200 dollars from armorgames or Crazymonkeygames.

Anyways, I hope you make an even more kick-ass sequel with more weapons, better controls and more interesting, scrolling levels.

Digimaks responds:

Grabber thing is too powerfull- 4 hit points in a row. So I made it Slow.

Having Game Sponsored- 1) don't know how :(
2) Sonic Team might not like that move.
3) Don't want to be depended on armorgames or Crazymonkeygames, because afraid of being dominated by them. who knows.. :\

scrolling levels, .. well i'll think about it. because the graphics are at the bottleneck of chocking the Framerate. and gamespeed.

YES- for sequel.

Awsome Game!

It is probably the 2nd Best Sonic game I played on the web! It's hard getting used to, but you can adapt. Some weapons I didnt know how to work (like those Giant Hands). The best level was the Water level, the 2 traps (Close in walls, and raise Water, which makes you move slower). I love Arena Interactivity.

Awesome game, keep it up!

Digimaks responds:

Yeah - that water level was always a real nightmare in Sonic 1!
But for some reason I liked it at last, and made a parody one here!