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Reviews for "Cold Tap"

Not bad at all!

It was great movie, but it was hard to watch because of all that shaking.

notorious responds:

yeah that's what people are saying, don't worry i won't have so much of that wackiness in the future.

In a way this shows whats happening nowerdays

Make it in the streets or at work even in school this seems to be in every person just at we are all diffrent there is no reason why people just can't be accepted for who they are... this is a pity and should be stopped but no one can be forced to accpet some one with an open hart if they don't in the first place... it's just not right...

notorious responds:

hey i like that definition! Glad you liked it and thought seriously about it.

ambiguity is lost on me

rite well okay hmmmm. i didnt really get that totally, i got a few things from it, people being different and so forth being persecuted for not being the accepted norm, yet is it a comment on our society or just one's interpretation of how he percieves society to be? Anyways, i loved the actual style of it, syncing it to the music n that, and that juddering thing that went on, god that near induced an epileptic fit on me, very nausaus but cool. the soundtrack worked, added some meaning to the context of the piece, its worth a watch peeps, not so much as some others but its worth a watch at least. overall a gud job.

notorious responds:

well as for the comment i guess it's an interpretation of how one percieve's society to be, since we all have a different interpretation of it. Thanks for the very informative review!


im lovin this flash

the movement and the mesage behind it were brilliantly ambigious iwatched it 5 times and got 5 differant things out of it
the low q suggestion was just rite it really enhances the artwork and feel of the piece

and the music


this shit is more than data this is art!

notorious responds:

haha thanks for the good review glad you liked it!


This was a realy good piece. I like your style. Graphics could be improved in areas like the joints, and color should have been used more sparingly in the backgrounds toward the end. The opening established and excelent mood, but that kind of faltered with the introduction of all that color in the end.

Overal very good with lots of potential for interpritation and improvement. Could have been an easy ten.

notorious responds:

well i guess what i was aiming at for the end was to have this bleak inside world all black and white and when the characters go outside there's allot of colors and it changes the mood of things, but you have a good point thanks for the advice!