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Reviews for "Metal Gear Solid TPC 1"


The graphics and animation were awesome. The only thing letting this movie down was the voice acting. Snake didn't sound right and his dialogue was a bit cheesey. Otacon's voice was ok but still needs work. I recommend studying the characters voices again and just giving it another go. It just sounded cliché.

DjMinge responds:

Hey thanks dude. I only wrote the script the voices were done by Dmac who i thort did an awsome job. Thanks for taking the time to review appreciate it.

Interesting concept, but so much potential wasted

Don't get me wrong, the movie was pretty cool. I liked the art-style and animation style of the film, but as an avidly huge Metal Gear fan, I felt that it could have been much, much better with only a few little things being changed.

Although I think more fo the story should have been put into the flash, there were really two main things that really bothered me. First of all, the voice acting. You should have visited VAA for some help, instead of done several of the voices. It would have made the entire movie so much more dramatic, and not as if nearly all the voices were forced.
Secondly, I'm a bit biased here, but I'm kinda sick of seeing Snake "jump out of planes" now in Metal Gear fan movies now. Well, mainly planes that look EXACTLY like the one in MGS3 (Virtuous Mission), so that put me off a little.

However, it seems interesting. I look forward to the next one (but I'm still not too fond of all these stories about "Olga's Baby").

Wow... That was unusually long for a review by me on Newgrounds!

DjMinge responds:

Dmac Double of the NGVA did all bar one of the voices i only wrote the script. I beleive the voice actors did an awsome job. Yeah was gonna get him arriving by boat but wouldn't have been as good i thort? still thanks for your review.

Enough to make me look foward to part-2

Seems like a good start,the art is nicely rendered and the animated portions were verry realistic in movement and it reminds me of how few (if any) MGS based flash are serious in nature.Not perfect but worth a look,the lack of action and story puts it a couple of pegs down but being a part-1 of a series helps balance it out.By the way Rayden wasent in the credits so hes not in the series? Ya Ya i know NOBODY likes him but you did say the story was based heavily on Sons of Liberty
and it sounds like your going for a serious take and not personal preferences maybe im just reading to much into it.Be looking foward to part-2. -The Shade

Looked nice.

It was all right, it ran a little choppy at times and every once in awhile the music would go out and come back later. It looked really nice, but most of the movie was Snake getting ready to jump from the plane! Overall, it wasn't that bad.


DjMinge responds:

I said it would lag did you close all the other flash animation windows you had open?????

Hope the next 2 will improve

Its actually very confusing. One moment we see the plane, the next we see Ocelot. The thing that "snake" and "Otacon" (Otacon is voiced much better than snake by the way) makes little to no sense. It looks good but very gray dark and blurry, why is that. Hope the next 2 will be improve in these areas.