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Reviews for "The Liar"

I love this, but I did think it was too short. You probably could have just put this in one or two parts. I just love it because you can do so much with this concept. Maybe whoever does tell the best lie won't get the apple. It's a lie itself! The king would be the best liar!

Anyway, the animation is as wonderful as ever. It's just, that as a reviewer, it's great to think of how I would work at this. I saw the Westboro Baptist Church and they say God loves everyone. I got James Randi's check. Then I heard of a movie offer Eric Roberts turned down.

This mini-series is a Sykohyko classic.

Humorous but cut too short. The ending was spontaneous and the story just dropped. Had it been elongated, it would have deserved five stars.

loved it!!!!!!11

dude, i cannot wait to see the next 2 parts, ime going to be so stoked to find out who gets the golden apple.....also, the mysterious person at the end, really got me thinking, 'who is tis person' 'y r they holding a bag or something' AND 'can they obtain the golden apple?' also, u rulez at the makin of the videos


Thanks for trying, as you say, to not be a "d#$k" (I presume you meant Dick?), but...well... you failed. If you see a trend of something you dislike in a certain animators style of storytelling, you stop watching his animations, you don't leave a trollish/racist review in the comments. :S, better luck next time.