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Reviews for "X-Men: House of M part 3"

awesome story teller

I love your adecotes on the xmen
your an awesome story teller
How in the world were you able to keep track of everyones death in your previous animations? I was shocked to know that xmen deaths and ressurections were so common place and even more shocked that magneto, and mystique have never died before thou I was sure that quick healing thing would keep wolvy alive for a while


The stereo-typical Canadian Wolverine is ungodly funny! This probably the best House of M so far.

I love your other stuff, but this isn't as good

This woudln't be such a dissapointment if I hadn't come into it with such huge expectations. After parts one and two, your other X-Men stuff, along with, well, most everything you've done, I was expecting something that would completely knock my socks off. What I recieved was a decent movie with a few good laughs, but nothing spectacular.

Emma Frost was hilarious as ever, and the Maguffin joke was pretty funny(Although Layla isn't really a maguffin). You made a few too many jokes about the pacing of the series-it really wasn't all that bad. A bit slow at first, but it was still interesting all the way through.

You kinda need to lay off the Resurrection jokes. It's a funny schtick, but you're kinda running it into the ground.

On the whole, pretty good, but not as good as Part Two made me expect. I hope Part Four is amazing.

lol my skin tight leather pants

lol funny flash. lol i love wen wolverine says O GOLLY GEEEEEEE!!!!
lol. i like how you put the lil plot-line-speeder-uper-girl.

lol very funny

yeah that's all i wanted to say.