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Reviews for "Pallid Fingers 2"

You sonofabitch

Pure awesomeness man.

I demand you to make a Spoilsbury toastboy parody or even better Milkman.

rtil responds:

haha, if I didn't go to college I probably would. I've had my due time in the Firth universe for a good time though now.

very nice.

i figured since u reviewed my shit, i could return the favuh.

the sound started laggin for me, but w/e.

was good. sad to hear this is their last adventure. keep this shit up, tis nice.


rtil responds:

yes, sadly this is the end for oddface and scribblyhead. i think they've shared enough of my free time already.
i'm sorry about the sound lagging, perhaps try it on a different computer. thanks for the review.

David would be proud

You are one or my favorite autors. Man your ideas are so creative. Great flash and I hope soon David will come out with some new salad fingers so you can have more material to work with to make pallid fingers 3!! Awsome flash 5/5

rtil responds:

hehe I don't know if David would enjoy this but it would be interesting to know what he thinks about it. I'm glad you enjoy my works, but sadly there will never be a Pallid Fingers 3. Unless if David comes out with 6 new Salad Fingers to give me new material, but I think it's time I move on from parodies.

There's pokemon everywhere....

POKEY? POKEYMAN!?!?! With the pokey and the mon and the guy and etc.

This was hilarious. As good if not better than the original.
You've captured Firth's art style, and odd awkward style, but added your own dash of askew humor and fantastic graphics. Particular kudos on the 3D babynettlecarriagemobile.

Thats the jist of it. If I wrote a longer review it's just be me telling you how awesome you are for several paragraphs. AND WHO WANTS THAT!?!?15?!?chad!!!??!

This had better make friggin frontpage. Godspeed rtil. Godspeed.

rtil responds:

Zekey. I appreciate the review. Congratulations on the award, I think everyone will agree with me when I say you deserved to beat a flash about a Dragonball Z fight. But go figure Newgrounds community..
Anyway, thanks for mentioning the 3d babynettlecarriagemobile, I'm sure you would know as much as I do how hard it is to make something look 3d in a 2d vector animation program.
Anyway, thanks again and Godspeed to you too. I hope we both land on the frontpage. Together. <3

Hey rtil

Amidst the probably hundreds of reviews you will get for this movie, you better give me a bloody good response:D

But yeah, this blew the other one away. dawg.

The only problem was that syncing fucks up in flash after a couple of minutes, which happens to all flashes because it's one of the issues they desperately need to iron out at the moment.

Other then that, brilliant and fav'd.


rtil responds:

People have been telling me that it goes off sync after a few minutes, or on one line, or in their butt, or on their face, It's a different story for everyone. So I wish I could solve everyone's problems, but I'm no miracle man. I only make shitty flash ok? =3
thanks for the fav and i hope you enjoyed my review response. I HOPE IT WAS ADEQUATE ENOUGH FOR YOU
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