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Reviews for "God Damn Emo Kids"


Yes, Simple Plan are the best emo band I've ever heard.
Yes, everyone who likes emo music says they're going to kill themselves but never do.
Yes, stereotyping to procure humour is big AND clever.
Yes, your animation was extremely funny.
Yes, sarcasm is the highest form of wit.


Ali-Jesse is right. A so called "Emo" is short for 'Emotional', which means that they are emotionally troubled people. Usually around 13-17. Also i don't get why people don't like "Emo"s, they are normal people just like anyone else. People know that many Emo's cut themselves but i bet no one has thought about why just concluded that they do it for attention or something... WRONG! you couldn't be more wrong, Emo's cut themselves to establish control. You say "Kill Emo's" but why not "Kill the rapper wannabe's" or "Kill the bimbo's", if anyone actually thinks that Emo's should die you really should go to a Psychiatrist or something because you are a deeply disturbed person. And Robertwburns, okay your grandparents died but hav you ever thought how you would be if your parents died? or maybe a sister or a brother? Some people become "Emo's" because of these reasons. Other's become because they might feel their life has no meaning or maybe they are lonely or possibly even bullied at school. So maybe some of you people should really think before you go all Macho "ooh, im so cool i think Emo's should die" well i just say FUCK YOU! Rethink your life and don't be prejudice because i bet most of you either haven't met an Emo or never actually talked to them. Also how would you like to be treated like you people treat Emo's? For example if you name was John Smith, how would you like if someone posted a flash called "Kill John Smith" or "John Smith is a fucking retard"?

Now people will say "I have met an emo", i hardly doubt it. There is a BIG! difference between Emo's and Goths (which is probably what most people have met), Goths are normal people who dress in black, die their hair black and listen to Heavy Metal. Emo's are.... well like i said before.
So in conclusion, think before you act. Emotionally troubled people are people too

wow.. fucking pointless

You dont need to make a flash video just to rip on how much you hate a fucking Stereotype. its bullshit.

Sure some people say that they have no reason to cry.
Id like to ask them how in the fucking first place they know. no one else knows what happens to them.

Just because someone resembles a Stereotype and you dont like that Stereotype doesnt mean you need to rip on it.

Alot of people dress different than you and act just generally unlike you. That just life buddy. get over it.

and what you said about them Killing themselves and cutting their wrist is Laughable. I had a close friend who killed herself, and i knew an 11 year old who killed himself both for whatever reasons. i dont take Suicide as a laughing matter.

No just stop Hating and posting a shit video based on a Stereotype. get a life, or better yet, Do something productive, like Rwappin or Egoraptor or Paladin for chrissake..

Please don't be so cruel.

There is nothing wrong with being emo. Emo means emotional, any emotion. Rage, sorrow, fear, even on occasion, bliss. I'm emo, but not the kind of emo that wants to die. I'm the kind of emo who wants everyone ELSE to die. I'm the kind of emo who is more goth then emo. So don't be so judgemental. Be merciful to emos. (Except the gay wannabes who keep saying, "I'm gonna do it!" May they burn in hell for eternity.)


Fine, if you hate emo kids.. but they're people just like you.
Even though they wine a lot.. (some do) not all emo's do! there are also normale emo kids, so stop making such stupid flashes..