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Reviews for "Global Warming Project"

That was quite Informative.

I enjoyed that, I already followed the part where you save energy. But how do you know when all of the fossil fuels will dissappear? Is that a proven fact or is it a guess? But your whole flash there, has a moral and I follow it and I hope people follow it also.

ZipLock-Studios responds:

Thanks for reviewing.

in answer to your questions...The fossil fuels will disappear at the times given if we do not lower emmisions soon. IT IS A PROVEN FACT.
Shell Oil made the predictions...a very reputable company.

quite educational

not bad for a school project, and the info you provide is very good. keep it up.

ZipLock-Studios responds:

Thank you very much...I didn't think this many people would appreciate this animation...but you have all proved me wrong!

it is good

the message is something every one should pay attention to. also the same hing is happening with helium. this is not nesasarily a "good" flash but the message is great. also i gave interactivity a 10 because u can aculally do this by buying electic stuff like solar panels.

if your gona make an informative flash do it right

firstly the ozone layer is being depleated not only because we are using fossil fuels but also anything that is generating gas... what ozone depleation is is a strech in the layer itself because (us as humans) are putting too much air into our atmosphere. technically we arent actualy loosing our ozone layer but its more or less streching and thinner layers are what we know as "holes" in the o-zone layer..... secondly uv rays arnt to do with global warming, what global warming is, is that there is a build up of heat reflecting gasses such as CO2 and methane, these insulate the planet and work like a one way mirror. letting heat in, but not out, therefor heating our planet causing our planet to warm up.... think of it like a greenhouse, glass prevents the heat from escaping entirely (a little does escape) but with the heat thats also comming in, the tempreture continues to rise. recycling the heat over and over again... another thing that helps the greenhouse effect are clouds, and havign a weather system we naturally have them but jet planes leave a vapor trail that work like artificial clouds. This was evident when the twin tower of new yourk were hit... all flights in the surrounding states grounded all air traffic and during the day it was 1C warmer and at night it was 1C colder. Although Uv radiation isnt directly related to global warming, it is related and ill give you that, however uv isnt a contributer to this its a concequence of releasing more gasses than are being taken up by our planet, effectively expanding our atmosphere. you may take this review a bit seriously but you deserve critisism so you know where you went wrong and can learn from your mistakes. well im sorry if im too cynical for you. well i hope you do good in your geography class with this as you do show working knowledge that fossil fuels and things like that are contributing to the decline of our planet. good luck

ZipLock-Studios responds:

Wow! Thats more info than there was in my flash!

Thanks, you certainly informed me, but this was supposed to be an 'idiots' guide to global warming. I wasnt planning to get any where near as detailed as you just did.

I am aware of these things however. I appriciate your concern.

thanks and good job

i gave it a good score. i have done school projects using flash before also, and i know how hard it can be working with a deadline. you did a good job animating and had good facts. in fact it did help me a bit with my own research project (dont worry im not copying word for word or anything)