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Reviews for "Minushi - Chapter 4"

dude im sorry!

dude the movie's way toooo white! I mean the girl and the guy , their like hostess.*brown on the outside white on the inside*
the way they talk , and you picked up that chase in fast and the furious.
For some reason when I watched the movie It felt like I was gonna puke , its like the same no SIMILAR to other white movies, like smart talking teenzz (eww) white talking teenz with their bored lifez going out trying to find STUPID adventures and they end up in some kind of RETARD Supsense sequence....its just that ive had enough!!

what ever happened to real movies!!
at least immitate something thats original and something that makes sense.
im sorry man really! you need to stop hanging out with the same people, and try something new( I know your trying to do some punk or outlaw shit but its not turning out right)

P.S. go to new york!! uhum go their.. hahaha god im done talking

Almost too good

This is really astonishingly good, and unlike a lot of the crap that's in the Top 50, this actually DESERVES the rating it's getting, if not higher.

Rather than praise how good it is, I'm going to quibble about a couple of minor details I didn't like.

Several people have said they don't like "the eyes." I'm going to be specific: it's HER eyes that are messed up. Cal's eyes and the truck driver's eyes are fine. Maybe something in one of the other episodes explains it, but she just looks weird.

That first shot of Cal is bad. I mean, it's ugly squared. I don't know what it was... lighting effects, off-model drawing, or what, but I had a gut reaction to it that nearly made me stop watching. After that, it was okay... I mean, yeah, he's still got that huge schnozz, but at least he looks like he's intended to be human and not some sort of mutant monstrosity.

I said I was going to pick this apart and not praise it, but I can't not mention this: At the end when the driver was standing on the truck, I was genuinely worried about what was going to happen to him. That NEVER happens to me on Newgrounds.

The only reason I joined newgrounds...

Was to write a review for this master piece. I mean I am amazingly astonished by watching all the episodes at the respected website. You really have some talent, it really ticks me off there aren't that many reviews...but then again, that means more people will read this review.

First of all let me start by saying this flash (referring to all the chapters up to date), has had THE BEST STORYLINE out there, tagged along with some AMAZING ARTWORK (I love the lightning effects used in the other eps). Its just astounding how it all revolves in the storyline (series are up to Ch. 12 atm).

I will be waiting for Ch.13 patiently.

As a side not I suggest you submit the rest of the eps from time to time....because people are in for a treat (people are lazy and will rather come here and watch them).

This review might sound familiar to ya hence I just joined your community forums and made an introduction post.

See ya next time when the next eps arrives to NG!

Don't like the look of the characters, nice though

The first of these I've seen, very good.I just don't like the style of your character drawings (the eyes especially), and the characters seem odd, and...mismatched, i dunno. But very skillful animation.

Hey, Tyler!

I haven't visited your site in a few weeks, but now that I have I'm glad to know that Minushi Chapter 13 is coming December 1st. Thanks for reminding me! ;P

This has to be one of the best Minushi episodes, and that along with the fact that it's very easy to understand even for someone who hasn't seen the previous 3 (which is most of your audience) should make it go far on Newgrounds!

For those who're coming to this series for the first time - this is a good episode to watch to get an introduction, and if you decide that you like it, go over to the Minushi website and watch the whole series from the beginning. Don't watch the other episodes from Newgrounds because 1) Chapter 1 is not on Newgrounds and 2) the official site has the retooled versions of the episodes which have much better graphics.

And that's about it. I love this series! :)