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Reviews for "StickMan Sam - Part 3"


Man i can't believe that this game should be blammed... it must NEVER BE BLAMMED!!!!!!! P.S. if you can make a Stickman Sam- part 4

The first ten I've given in a long, long time.

Hey, it's Merrick! I suggested that roll feature everyone loves ;) Among other things, anyway. I figured it was time I review this--I was working on a novel, which is why it took me so damn long, but I'm back, and with nothing but praise.

Your graphical style hasn't changed, and I just love it. The spy world has always been bland, so why change Sam's art style? It suits the mood ever so perfectly, and those occasional splashes of color (water, blood, people, what have you) really make a beautifully plain yet striking canvas. Naturally, there were countless little graphical details that I absolutely adored.

Your style has, I think, finally been developed to where you want it to be. Good job! Combining the stale environments with the almost implausible (yet still plausible) level design, you've created a strange blend of stale reality and funky fiction not unlike the works of M.C. Escher. Bravo.

The sound is as great as ever--the gun reports are great, as always. And I'm glad you stuck to your guns with the industrial/techno feel of music; I know some people didn't like it, but the fact is, Rammstein and Metallica don't really fit your world now do they? ;)

If a Stickman Sam game with that much goodness and real people to battle has less then a 10 for violence, I'd be astounded. But it doesn't. It's great. Same with the interactivity--a great, great change-up of gameplay, it never got boring.

The humor was strange as usual and, thankfully, not directly in the spotlight. I love the silliness of it all--all this spying and shooting and puzzling over a piece of cheese.

Suggestions? I'm glad you asked!

The fall-damage really racked up. I don't suppose you could make it so that if you are nimble enough with your fingers to roll on impact without falling to your death off of yet another ledge, you could have it severely reduce the damage you take on impact? Also, jumping onto ladders and pipes and ledges and grabbing them was a tad tricky, as those items seem to be very picky about whether or not they'll let you get a handhold--down to the pixel level of pickiness. Perhaps make them less snooty? :)

A problem I still had was when guys got up in my face. I could roll away and run, but they'd still get a shot or two before I headshot them three times. (I play Hard mode :)) I know you aren't into the hand-to-hand, but that's okay. A simple "Kick" feature would make it nice, just being able to boot a guy out of your face, have them on the ground for a second or two. Gives you some time to run away or get two of those three headshots, eh?

More objectives! The funnest stuff in this game was safe-picking, deactivating alarms, turning off generators. Dodging lasers. You name it! You are fantastic at spy games, and I'd love to see more stuff like that. Perhaps a "camera" as a weapon to take photos of bad people in compromising positions? (Perhaps... EATING cheese! *gasp*) Assassinations, with sniper rifle included. I had a thought about a sniper rifle--that it could see over exactly one screen from where you are. Then Sam could perch on rooftops and fire at will :D Perhaps a few situations where your only option is to run instead of fight (for example, Sam is snooping through a bad man's condominium, an alarm goes off, he must jump from fire escape to fire escape to get away, as there are too many men to fight. And of course, he'd be kicking them off of rooftops as he ran :D)

Just a few suggestions of mine you may or many not like. At any rate, it's pretty much perfect as it is.

. this is kooler than Xiao Xiao because i try 2 ki

ck and it wont work. watch out Xiao Xiao because stick man ownz every1 4 life (except 3-d cheese and bear on timesplitters 2)

Great Stuff!

I really enjoyed the game! It is a bit dragging in a sense you get lost in the building and then it gets tedious but otherwise it rocks! xD

I like it

Fun : )