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Reviews for "Stick Fighter (arcade)"

I would like the game alot more if it had a better computer player and more detail. A story of some type would be awesome because how did these two stick figures get into a battle in the first place??? I also think the computer shouldn't just decimate your face if you can't spam the crap out of his first. I think as the game gets updates it can become alot better. I suggest that you read reviews and implement features that are the best. Good luck with this game.


That was fun. i found the controls hard to use tho.


im sorry but the comp only does fireslls totally chep and controls arnt great

Don't give people guff for their crappy reviews. Their crappy reviews are for this mediocrity on the front page. The music/audio is absolutely terrible, the graphics are test-quality at best, the gameplay isn't bad, but it's nothing innovative ya know, none of the abilities are particularly interesting and controls could have been better. For this to have reached the front page I suspect some fishy stuff is going on. If you want some constructive criticism instead of a bunch of hate, don't get your friends and whatever alternative accounts to shoot something worthless to the front page.

joshmorgan responds:

Thanks for the honest review. I only give snarky replies to "crappy reviews" (as you say) because the reviews themselves are crap, which is to say, not that reviews are negative, but rather, that the reviews are worthless and provide no real feedback. I'm merely criticizing their lack of actual criticism.

And so I welcome your constructive criticism, and I'd like to take this opportunity to respond.

"music/audio is absolutely terrible"
Agreed. The audio was a last minute after-thought to fulfill a requirement for the class project for which I made this game 8 years ago.

"graphics are test-quality at best"
Agreed. In fact, the art is actually my placeholder for what was eventually going to be "Duff Match: Hilary Duff vs DuffMan from the Simpsons", but this was my first ever game and only my 2nd Flash animation, so I ran out of time and never got a chance to replace the art before I had to turn it in for my grade.

"controls could have been better"
Agreed. As I have noted in the description, my main focus was for it to be a 2-player game on a shared keyboard, but it was tricky to find a functional layout for the two player controls because Windows has a glitch were certain keyboard combinations cancel each other out and I didn't want one player to be able to accidentally (or intentionally) mess up the other player by button mashing their own keys.

As for my game being "worthless to the front page", do you seriously think that I'm using friends or alt accounts to artificially "shoot" this to the front page? I submitted this almost 7 years ago. All my friends have long since grown bored of it. They've got kids and jobs and no time to waste helping me shamelessly promote an out-dated game. As for "alternative accounts" I am sure Newgrounds can easily use IP filters to stop such douchebaggery. I assure you that I have only one account, and it is this one, which I have have for almost almost 7 years. And in that time I have watched Stick Fighter creep up the ranking and it has surprisingly appeared on the Portal several times in the "Best of All Time" rankings ever so briefly, only to get blammed back down, as it undoubtedly shall this time.

My guess is that the "Best of All Time" rankings are in a constant cyclical state of "ebb-and-flow", where submissions on the Portal are voted on more frequently, and these votes (presumely bitter blams) in turn, push many entries off the Portal to be replaced by other submissions, like Stick Fighter, which are then voted down and replaced by still other decent-but-not-great submissions.

Do I think Stick Fighter deserves to be in the "Best of All Time" rankings? Of course NOT. It was my first game and a very flawed game at that. But do I think it deserves mean comments from trolls or people upset that they wasted a few moments on silly little Flash? Hell no. Have I wasted time responding to these reviews? Maybe, but meh, whatever...