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Reviews for "~BH~ Aurora Theory"

This is the Perfection Theory!

Man, this song needs so much more exposure than just 21 votes and 2 reviews so far. This needs a top 5, just like all your other songs. It's just so amazing. Definitely one of your best work, an amazing improvement from the original.

As said in the review on the WiP, the melodies are really, really catchy. I wouldn't even change a note in them if I had to go through them. The alternate melody of the piano was very catchy, and so were all the other melodies. The instruments are really amazing too. I suppose you made them yourself, didn't you? Well, no matter, they are just so epic. Loved the instrument that plays at around 2:16 at its loudest, and keeps playing till around 2:32. The piano was really good too, with the type of melody that will not exit your head no matter how hard you try to get it out. Choir voices in the background were really cool too (seriously though, do all of your songs have choirs in them? :P), and in all, the instruments and melodies here are a perfect combination.

Oh, and the usual, transitions and interludes were very professionally done. What impressed me most though was how well you introduced new instruments, especially the cool sounding one, which had a great transition to it at 2:14, and I couldn't find one transition which didn't sound smooth.

And now, I'll move up to the buildups, which by the way, were really brilliant. The gradual buildup at the beginning was perfect, and really, really excellent job on that buildup at 1:21, it was just so awesome. Reverbed kick was fantastically done too. In all, that buildup is BY FAR one of the BEST I've heard, no kidding. The melody you did in the buildup was great too.

The intro was excellent, since if you started it with just piano only, it wouldn't have been as smooth as this. It had a really nice-sounding effect to it too. As for the ending, it was amazing as well, with a good drum roll to give the ending that importance it needed, but if I were to go through this song, the only thing I would change would be the loudness of that drum roll. It just felt a little too quiet and needs more importance than all the other drums. Other than that, this song qualifies for perfection.

The drums, as usual, are very varied, and fit really well with the song, and had OK samples. The reverbed kick and the snare were my favourites from all the samples. The buildups on the drums were superb as well, and the drum beats were excellent. In general, the drums were pretty quiet, but I think that if you made them any louder, they'd start to become annoying and interfere with the song, so you should keep them just as loud as they are now.

I don't really need to summarize what I said in this review, the only word you need for a summary of this song is 'Flawless'. You honestly never stop to amaze. It's impossible for you to ever submit a song which I give less than a 5/5 in, and which doesn't deserve top rankings here on Newgrounds. IMO, you're the best artist ever to enter NG, keep up the great work, you're not an expert at making music, you're THE expert. Amazing job!! Phew... long review O_o. 892 characters left, hehe :D

-Review Request Club-

ErikMcClure responds:

All the synths were made by me, yes.

I do particularly like the job i did on the transitions in this song. I'm not usually that good at transitions so I don't know what changed :P

I love choir because its one of the most effective fillers I can get. Similar to how the piano is the most effective melodic instrument.

One of these days your going to get bored of giving me such ridiculously high praise :P

Thanks :D


I thank you so much for the pm - informing me was the right thing to do! :)

This is just plainly, Amazing. Downloaded - also.
I finally got some new headphones, so this song sounds even better than what it did before.

I noticed you added some new sounds - makes the song sound even more exhilarating than it did before. Kudos!
Plainly amazing.


ErikMcClure responds:

Yay thanks :D

Aurora Theory-The Science of Revolutionizing Sound

They're so many theories made in a single day about so much stuff, that it can make a human's head explode! (Or just really annoyed). Granted some theories became more popular than others while some were immedietly flushed out of the bowels of one's mind. I have a feeling that with a bit more advertising, some propechies, and more people, this Aurora Theory will become the former.

Now unlike most techno songs, this is no chaos theory (look it up). This is a well organized piece that is brought together with flawless transitions. the instruments were well played and could be heard clearly without sounding all bunched up together. the chorus was also a nice touch to make things seem more epic. And a final mention goes to the piano usage which clearly suited everything nicely, being the most melodic instrument.

For a new type of composition, Eric McClure sure knows how to produce some good techno. I wouldn't say it's flawless or treat like Jesus Christ made it like Supersteph54 did in his review, but maybe if Eric produces more masterpieces like this, I may change that.

Request+ Common Opinion(Score)+Whitty Banter=Review Request Club
It's A Conspiracy Theory Actually Worth Mentioning

ErikMcClure responds:

Thanks, i'm glad you liked the song 8D

This is excellent

What can I say? This is amazing!