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Reviews for "'09 In another life"

Any more to say that hasn't been already said?

I think not, good sir :D

Let's put it this way: If you were to start your own franchise, you would completely dominate the market. You already make X-Ray Dog, Immediate Music, Beethoven, Mozart, and more, look like child's play, like they have beginner's luck.

You have a flow, and it's quite good. You have a nice personal style, almost haunting, but pleasant simultaneously. Not too heavy, never too light, but just right.

Like that old forgotten tune that everyone searches for. . .
. . . and then they remember . . .
. . . that it was your works.

EvilRaccoon responds:

Thanks so much for your comments, I'd really love to be able to bring my music up to the standards and likes of Immediate music, Xray etc. But realistically they do slap me about silly.

However, (har har) I do intend to keep going until I can make music which is pretty damn close!

Thanks so so much though for your review, it was a delight to read!

Damn son

This is stunning. You have something going on here. I love it, I love classical a lot and the likes of x ray dog and immediate music abbey, I got the whole albums and I love emotional and action packed music.

This was brilliant, touching, soothing and mellow, while having a mysterious feeling. The strings brining it in with the mysterious feeling while the piano making it lighter and appearing as a flying melody. The cello/? is nice and adds to the heavenly feeling.

I wish I could make music like this. It's really is a wonderful master piece. I'm still training but I got to get those chorus VSTs and an orchestra kit that is realistic because edirol just won't do for me, but it's alright for a beginner.

EvilRaccoon responds:

Hehe, you will NewG. Just give it time, thanks for the score! :)

Mirrors Edge

I got the same feeling while listening to the complete theme of Mirror's Edge, and that's a good feeling! Keep up the good work!

Oh my ....

This is one of the best things I have ever heard from you since "The Launch". I heard "The Launch" before this. Anyway, this piece just chills me to the bone with the Synth choir voice. And the piano just flows heavenly in this. You have got to make more of this type of music that envokes a feeling of sadness and hopelessness. It is simply awesome. Do not stop and you will soon be better than X-Ray Dog.

chills to the bone...

this reminds me of a scene from my book:

All i did was watch while the Zrumg-beam flew towards Alpha who was engaged in a dog-fight against some Screamers.
It kept closing in and i didn't say a word, goddamn, why couldn't I get a single damn word over my lips!
After several seconds the expected results occured, a huge blast, a scream through the communications channel and a huge star in the sky...
I opened my mouth but didn't say anything, i fell on my knees and punched the ground while i screamed.
I screamed for the loss of someone i hold dear, someone i had feelings for but couldn't show them.
Maybe...maybe it was possible in another life...
I lifted my head again to look at the explosion wich still didn't stop to expand and noticed a small particle-like debris falling.
"Kyoti!!!" I screamed while running towards the place it would crash, I still don't know how i found the strength to scream.
It changed course and flew closer towards me, even so close it almost had hit me.
I ran to the crater wich it had made and saw Alpha there in several bits.
It's head was mostly molten, it's right arm was ripped off and it's whole lower body was gone.
as i came closer i felt tears going over my cheeks, my suit AI reported that the suit was getting filled with a humanoid substance, i shutted her down to get rid of her senseless talks for this moment.
I stood before Alpha and saw blood coming out from the lower parts of the suit.
I threw my gun on the ground and opened the chest of Alpha and saw Kyoti there, covered in blood, her lower body was missing...
I fell on my knees again and started to say her name in an attempt to wake her up.
as i was considering to give up she coughed up some blood and said my name.
"Enak, I...I order you to..." she started to say.
"I order you to...save your wife...go...!" she said.
"No...i can't leave you..." i replied.
"You idiot! stop caring so much! i know, i loved you...but look at me! i'm dying, can you change that!!?" She yelled at me.
I didn't say anything.
"...go...that's...an order..." she released her final breath saying that line.
i closed her eyes and thought to myself.
Why couldn't i save them...?
I'm the last of HADES...
I promised them all that their deaths wouldn't be in vein...
But when i die, it will be...our tale will end here, nobody will ever hear of us...
I looked towards Kyoti's lifeless body again.
Maybe in another life they would have survived...i thoguht to myself...
I took my gun and walked away, back to finish this last fight...
A fight agaisnt all odds...
A fight that has to be stopped...
A fight that will take a great toll...
A fight that will change the outcome of the war...

Your works inspires me to write, keep it up
Your sincerely,

-Horakoeri(a fan, drawer and writer)