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Reviews for "The armor RPG experiment"

...Ok, good game... but Holy Cheese wheels!

Is it physically possible to beat this game?

Ok, here's my case... start game, play hill level, and win... all is well

go to play hill level again, to practice on weak guy, i'm intimidated by the fact that he got MUCH stronger, but i try my best, use the powerups to their fullest, and win with about 1/4 hp remaining.. get a shiny sword, level up, and do all that comes with leveling up.

Go to hill area again... Only to see that he's doubled his hp, doubled his damage, and got an additional 50 HP healing... I didn't last 5 turns... simply put... Maybe you should re-think the code a bit... the fact that it is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to beat the FIRST LEVEL enemy on the third try usually says that there is something wrong...

And FYI, I saved my game, and tried about 15 different stragegies to take the bugger down... nothing... at all... still died every time...

Don't get angry at the reviewers, we only deliver the fact that it's impossible to beat your game that's all... that's not OUR fault... Christ, YOU made the bloody game!

well it was good...

untill i got to about the 2nd or 3rd round. then the enemies apparantly gained some ability to heal for more than i could hit AND attack in the same turn. and STUPID AUTHOR i used the "power up" command twice per turn to "make it easier." yea, that seemed to work. i did give this game a shot, tried almost every combo of using magic and physical attacks, lots of defense, and different abilities. why not make it somewhat fair instead of having the computer maul you every turn?


but i agree with swordking those few things made the game alot less enjoyable...but i hope that a sequel will remedy these problems.nice game though it was fun ^_^

Was not very good

When i first started playing it looked to be good and fun. But then i got to the 4th battle and discovered that this game was a horrid "rpg". The enemies just seem to be way overpowered. It has the same concept of any "rpg" out there but it lacks something. Mostly the enemies make this a bad game.

well now

i like to consider myself a reasonable man, so when i wasn't able to get past my second battle, i decided to try a different approach, maybe. different upgrades, different attacks, you know? however, my experience was still the same, ending with old fuckin circle dead.
i felt like a retarded fat baby trying to wrestle a pitbull. now why the FUCK is this game so hard? can it be that the strength of enemies doubles each battle? hmm or maybe that you're allowed one attack while the other little FUCKER busts out 2 or 3? maybe its the inefficiency of the healing spells? 1/500 hp restored? i guess it's also the tiny trickle of status and upg points you get, along with the boost of 0.001% increase in whatever when you use a power up. I GUESS IM JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO GET PAST THIS CRITERIA.
next time, pull your head out of your ass while making a game.