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Reviews for "Sonic V.S. Super Sonic 1"


I'm starting to like this movie. I'm going to see the other one because I don't really have nothing to say, but I think this Sonic series will be cool.

Vixin-McCloud responds:

It will be!!XD


Seriously, nice piece of work you got here keep up the good work ^_^

Vixin-McCloud responds:

Thanks a lot!!


Asmoe list plz of cool words

Vixin-McCloud responds:


let me explain this to you...

in the dumbest way possible
so even all you *special* sonic fans can understand (yes i am making fun of sonic & sonic fans)
this thing blew
not only did it have poor animation, graphics it also was a crap story

i did only watch 2 seconds
i admit
but it was enough to realize what a piece of shit this was
i think you made my day being able to write this just too piss off so many of you little 12 year olds
*sighs in relief*
and to all the sonic fans out there
*kiss kiss*

Vixin-McCloud responds:

You only watch 2 seconds of it?! THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN BOTHERING TO REVIEW IT?!!! Only watching two seconds doesn't really give you an idea of what's the movie's like. Not only does this mean that this review has no real point to it, but it also tells me that this crap was written by a complete n00bish asshole who wouldn't know shit if it leaked out of every hole in your body!! Oh and for the record, I'M 18 YEARS OLD FOR YOUR BIG, FAT INFOMATION!!! Do the world a favor! Either Learn To Review Properly or GO CUT YOUR WRISTS!!

Good start for a great series

I liked the classic Sonic game style to enter an Eggman fortress and frust it´s plans in the last moment and the enormous Metal Sonic that thrown away Metal Sonics, the outtake joke when Sonic is stucked inside him and blowed up, I also loved when Sonic said I must admit I'm impressed and then Eggman answers I´ve been practising. One thing I liked from your flashes is when Sonic fights foes as if it was in a bonus stage. You are the life prove that women can be as good(and usually better) than men(I must admit).
PD: I love sending reviews to you because you are one of the few persons who anwers the reviews and someday I want to make a flash like your.

Vixin-McCloud responds:

I'm life's proof that women can be as good (and usually better) than men?!! Thanks!! I Feel Honoured!! FEED THE EGO!!! I figured introducting the series like an old style Sonic game would great (and I can see it has)!
P.S: I'm glad you like sending me reviews. I figured that the people who would make the effect to send a review deserves an answer no matter how good, bad, long, short or just plain weird the review is. Also if you keep praticing, one day you could be making flash movies like me.