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Reviews for "Zero VS X (Fighting)"


The intro and outro looked good but the fight itself, really really sucked, it was like they took it in turns to hit eachother, the preloader looked awsome and the outro looked fairly good if not alittle shoddy with the cheesy lines but it was pretty reasonable, the fight needs alot more adding to it, maybe alittle speed, neither of them are human and can afford to be alittle nimble, also, no teleporation! they should have a really short but intense fight, all this was zero hits X, X hits Zero, Zero hits X, Zero wins, now in all honesty, would you want to watch that? I doubt it.

my overall score is based on my enjoyment of this

1. Dinazaxu watch more flash movies.........

2. Way to slow...........

3. The preloader gave the ending away...........

4. Make it longer then well have a decent flash movie.......

What the fuck was this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was some ugly shit you bastard. Why the hack would zero and X fight you fuckin hole


this was 2 slow to be considered a fight more than shot(s) for shot(s) welll make somethign better next tioem and dont waste my time


no offense, i couldn't make a better flash thatn that, but that was honestly the worst flash i have ever seen, they each threw like 5 punch/slashes and that's about it...you should really work on a good one, for more than 5 minutes