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Reviews for "L33T - English translator"

this shit is awesome

this better not get blammed cuz it is such a sweet idea

7|-|15 7|24|\|5|_470|2 0\/\/|\|5

3¥3 |_0\/3 7|-|15! 7|-|15 15 4 <00|_ 7|24|\|5|_470|2! 3¥3 49|233 1'/\/\ 4 |\|00|3 4|\||) |\|33|) 70 |_34|2|\| 73|-| |_4|\||_|9493. 7|-|><! _|00 |>\/\/|\|!

I like it!

this is cool! Me and my friends are sending notes with this on it now! And if you make the font a little bigger next time it'll be better. Nice job though!
9|2347 Jol3! |O|20|O5.


I don't know why everyone complains about the font size... perhaps I'm just used to reading small fonts from years of coding in size 9 Monaco style...


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