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Reviews for "Frigid [MD]"

I don't know what's better the reviews or movie

The movies great stuff. The animation was smooth and perfect. It allowed for the action sequence to flow naturally and perfectly. The music fit this animation like a glove. And how could you not love seeing gramps sitting in the fridge eating the hotdogs? It was great, each of the componets in this movie could make a good flash, but when combined together you get a great movie, it's artist like you who make newgrounds such a great place.

As funny as the movie itself was, I find that I can't stop laughing at the reviews. You have a whole bunch of people yelling at you for historical accuracy when they don't even know about it themselves. "the americans weren't in WWII in 1939" or "the americans never fought in china" or some crap like that. Then a whole bunch of them go on to say that you're dishonoring their grandfathers with your histrorical inaccuracy when they have no idea what they're talking about. Anybody with knew what they're talking about knows it wasn't the Americans, as evidence by it being in China, it being 1939, the bolt action rifles, and the ritual suicide (seppuku, I think.) But all these signs point to the them being Japanese. And guess what people, its not supposed to be historically accurate. He could have Pamela Anderson dancing around with Bill Cosboy and it wouldn't matter, it's not supposed to be accurate.

To sum it up keep up the great work, this was truly a wonderful flash. And for those of you who say it's historically inaccurate, shut the hell up, don't even start, you don't know what you're talking about and it really dosen't matter if the animation is accurate or not.

PiGPEN responds:


Really Good!

Wow, I REALLY Liked this. The theme was really brought out by the choice of music, although I hadn't seen Morphemon Duelists so at first the ending kinda threw me, but once I saw the 1.1 version, it all made sense.

Just a shining submission! It'll be put on my favorite list =)


You could create a whole different series on this. Any way, it's cool how you made a animation for a backstory on a charactor. (although its not one of the main, but who cares?) Any way, good job. Keep em' comming.

PiGPEN responds:

The backstories on the main characters will be dealt with throughout the series.


Sad that many allies were killed. Why was he reflecting in the fridge, may I ask?

PiGPEN responds:

snowy mountain=fridge

liked it

i get the ending, took me a while, but i get it. He has a flashback, so he gets in the frige, because it was cold in the flashback. and hes eating hot dogs (or whatever it was) because i guess he had to eat that one guys guts and the hot dogs look like his guts.