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Reviews for "Mouse Avoider"

My hand! Why must it shake so?!

These types of games remind me of the science fair projects where you had to keep a pin from touching the conductive sides of the object... I always did enjoy those.

Graphics - They're quite simplistic. Fortunately, this works well in a game such as this, where it might become distracting or difficult to see your mouse cursor otherwise. 7/10

Style - Here's where the game shines. The animation is very smooth, which is vital in a game that requires a steady hand. The "Start" button on each stage ensures that you don't lose a life prematurely between levels. You also include a lot of great obstacle ideas, particularly the moving "T" wall. Quite simply, it's both animated and designed well. 10/10

Sound - The subtle techno-esque beat works well, what with the steady concentration required for a game of this type. I also appreciate you not putting in any sound for when you hit the wall, as that would really have disrupted the flow. 9/10

Violence - Erm... Only if you count flinging your mouse at the monitor I guess. 1/10

Interactivity - The cursor is *very* sensitive, which is both blessing and a curse. Fortunately, the smooth animation and relatively small size of the dot tend towards the former. The aforementioned start button is also a positive factor. It would have been interesting to see some user-triggered obstacles added, like stepping on a switch etc. 9/10

Humor - Only if you watch someone else play this, in which case, 6/10

Bugs - When you finish the game, the "Main Menu" button doesn't work.

Overall, quite a well-designed game. You should definitely consider adding on many more levels. If you do so, consider easing or eliminating the level penalty. Although I liked the added challenge, others might find it difficult... Perhaps a difficulty level option would work. Overall, this game kept me entertained until I won, and I typically don't play flash games very long. Keep it up! 8/10

i love these games!

please do make more but if u do giv passwords after each lvl.
and maybe hav items 2 get lyk if uve got an easy path make a slightly tricky path of that to get a special item lyk points or a lyf.
also hav a timer and a bonus timer so if u do it in the bonus time u get some xtra points (o and also make points of course)
high scores wood b nice 2 if u cood b stuffed
hope my suggestions helped!
(u see games lyk magnestism with heap of lvls and challenging lil skill things. ur game is 1 of those skill things, more lvls plz then it will go REALLY well)
thx c yas


i love it!! i've played this style of game, and yours is by far the coolest.
i almost cried when i finished all the levels without once hitting an obstacle..... (i want more!!!) :)
i'd like to see a hundred levels :D. here are a few ideas you might like, and i'd love to see...
more spinny things!!! and maybe you could make it scroll???
or how bout more narrow paths, or even acctual mazes!!! so while you must avoid obstacles, you must also look for the exit, not just go to it.
maybe make bigger maps, that scroll accordingly* as you move about the maze, which would also increase the difficulty cuz you'd have to remmeber.. no backtracking from the exit!! cuz you can't see the whole thing!!!! :D
ooooo how bout bonus levels where the screen shakes like a quake, and in effect your mouse jumps with the shake, increasing the dificulty... :D
or maybe fast pace timed levels....
oo ooo o oo or how bout no time, but a scrolling level where a wall, that acts as an ordinary obstacle if it catches you, is closing in on you the whole time.
dude you could really take this style of game to high places if you get down on it,
go all out and make a real puzzle game....... a real puzzling game. :D
but as for what you've got now...... . i'm fuckin stoked! i've only seen a few games in this style, this one proves to me that this type of game could really be intense, fun, confusing, and addictive! if i knew a damn thing about flash.......... so i hope these few ideas i give motivate you, or even pursuade you to make the real one. please make more levels, your going in a good direction. if you go all out, people will play..
i hope you get the reviews you need. :D

Short, yet addicting

Great job, I like this kind of game, challenging and addicitng. Please make another game with more levels and obstacles cause that would be lots of fun.

Pretty good

This is a cool idea, but the game was way too short. You could've made it longer and just added a few lives. Other than that, it was nice and challenging. You should make a sequel!