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Reviews for "The Emo Kit"


hmmm that sucks if emo people around u are like that cuz im from jersey and emo is the "in" thing here so it seems like every hot girl is into emo. hmm and emo people dont cut themselves here so i didnt really get that joke. usually crazy people cut themselves.

its probably funny if it were true but i guess around here that doesnt really apply. . .i mean if u think about it. . just because someone likes emo doesnt make them a whinny bitch. . .my grandma listens to polka and she whines all the good dam time. . .to say all people are someway because of the type of music they like is sterotyping. . .but ur probably too young to care. . .

Pretty funny.

I thought this was pretty funny. That other dude clearly doesn't know if he doesn't like a Flash he can just jump on the Emo Bandwagon...and follow them down the cliff. XD. So, yeah, Nice Flash, everyone has the right to create what they want and if you say otherwise go live in some Communist country.

lol, i agree

well i kind of agree that emos are a bunch of completely annoying people i mean my friend is an emo and his life is great me on the other hand am pretty much about to be kicked out of my own home but i'm not an emo.
so yeah most emos just whine about stuff that doesn't really matter and there are people far worse off than themselves and that all emos should stop being so negative and selfish all the time and only think about themselves. ;p


Harsh, vert harsh. But I lol'd.

hmmm ...

right that that funny ^^... Person under me ... Ease it a little ffs. This is like the third emo thing ive gone on and you have the same thing commented on every one. A world without people taking the piss out of stereotypes would be a very unfunny one indeed sorry just needed to say that. I used to be emo ... then i found hardcoreness and tattoo's =]. I did enjoy this though.