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Reviews for "StickMan Sam - Part 2"

Fun game

First I thought the graphics looked kinda ugly, because it's a stick game. But I completely changed my attitude when I'm actually playing the game!!! It totally ROCKS!!! very accurate gameplay and great special fx (gun impact on enemy etc) and oh yeah.. the sounds fx were funny i think.. I can't wait for the sequal :)

io3creations responds:

You know the saying: "Don't judge a book by it's cover". It is true :) I'm glad you gave the game a chance and thus could enjoy it :D

very funny

iv'e practicly said it in the scores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was waiting for this one! Can't wait for another sequel now, great game!

Newgrounds' Unofficial 'Professional' Critic Here

I didn't review the other one, but I loved it. Since you are making a series, and you made a sequel that doesn't blow chunks [rare], I figure you definitely deserve critique!

I love the graphics. Everything is smooth. That bland feeling is really cool for the spy-horror world Sam is in. Someone mentioned like, jungles and shit. I like this idea but don't lose the noir-y feel. You could have jungles, but in this weird, surreal way. Gray and black and whatnot . I especially liked how enemies could lose mass.

Style--amazing. Again, that blandness was definitely deliberate. I loved everything from the way you aim, the reticule, and how you run around holding your gun. I WOULD like three things though:

-some kind of close quarters combat. If you gave a fair bit, then you could have a final fistfight in the final Stickman Sam episode... possibly on a train. But just being able to kick an enemy out of your face'd be nice.

-The ability to roll. Totally belongs in this spy-horror series and would be helpful in those cramped areas when you need some distance but are cornered.

-Some human enemies. And maybe Sam getting sent to spy on bad people :D

Sound was awesome as usual. I really liked the report of his basic pistol, but everything else, too. The guns all sounded, for lack of a better word, 'cool'. I disliked how every enemy died the same way, though.

Violence was nine, obviously.

Obviously, fine interactivity. The humor was weird but cool, as usual.

io3creations responds:

Thanks for the review, merrick_fieldings. I want the series to have a bit different feel (kind of simple and similar to the stickman movies but a bit different) so even if I make a jungle, I'll try to keep the same style. Originally, I wanted Sam just to run around and use various weapons. However, I really like the roll idea since it is something I can see being useful in future episodes where Sam will fight people. Spying is also something I considered and might make missions where you could use more brain power than firepower :D Thanks for the suggestions.


Great work, better than the first for sure. Can't wait for the sequel. I hardly ever give detailed reviews but as you appear to be making more of these I am going to! (I know you must feel so honored, haha)

To the last reviewer I liked how the enemies pushed you, it added to the challenge. I think you should eliminate the easy mode and have normal hard and ultra mega hard! to force people into trying. The graphics were good for sticks, but I don't mind sticks if used in a creative way. I think the level design, although a little bland, was still good. There was a good variety of enemies which was great. All and all an amazing job my man!


Just a few things I would love to see in the next one (crosses fingers0

1: Different levels, like volcanoe or a jungle or whatnot, just alittle varity to spice it up a bit.

2: Maybe a cool boss fight that plays out like smashtv or robotron (top down view with loads of one hit enemies, truely one of the pinnicles of gaming, if you havent played it DO you can find robotron on the internet with a search)

3: Maybe sometime of limited use force push kinda thing to push the enemies away when they crowd in on you.

Anyway just some idears, can't wait for the next one!!!!!!!!

io3creations responds:

Thanks, BurritoClock. I feel really honored :D Actually, someone even found the easy setting difficult so I probably keep that but I'll see if I can add more difficulty. Haven't decided on the levels for the next episodes but I'll probably do some buildings. The jungle and volcano sound like interesting settings. Have to see how the story goes. I think I played smash tv a really long time ago and it seemed fun. I'll see if I can incorporate that. I like the force field idea - whether as a skill or some kind of weapon.