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Reviews for "Kanye West: Hurricane"

No wait, but seriously. . .

So Kanye didn't speak in the most composed fashion about Bush, but let's just be realistic: he was still correct. As we all know, the vast majority of the vicitims of hurricane Katrina were Black. Bush did nothing until people began to accuse him and the system of racist policy. So was it just a mistake that the most powerful nation in the world happened not to notice a bunch of people dying in its own boudaries? I find it unlikely that a government and a president who called a special meeting of congress to combat the euthanasia of a single White woman (terri schiavo, just in case you missed that one) would just overlook the deaths of a few THOUSAND people unless they had something going against those people. Coincidence? Maybe. And maybe I'm about to go and play ping-pong with God in a couple minutes. I understand wholeheartedly why White people get really defensive when race is brought up. But maybe you should also try to understand that racism has made Black people a tid-bit more than uncomfortable for a long time. Please understand that racism still exists and even though you don't see it first hand, it has major effects, as demonstrated by the lack of government support after Katrina.

The-WalrusZ responds:

Yeah. Blame the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, cause you know, they are really at fault. Dude, save your fucking breath and get the facts straight. Bush WAS 24 hours late in reponse. This is true. However, the conflict could have been converted by... oh, I don't know... spending the 20 MILLION DOLLARS they got a couple years ago by actually FIXING the levees. And what about the BLACK Mayor nagen? Where was he? Was he at the Super Dome? No. Did he make sure the Dome was packed with supplies? No. Did he secure transportation out of the city? No.

I HATE Bush. (see YAAFM: Pres Bush) but even I'm intelligent enough to know that it it is not HIS JOB to secure the saftey of LOCAL residents from a STATE crisis. A state run by a WOMAN and an AFRICAN-AMERICAN. TWO MINORITIES!!!!! If you think RACISM had anything to do with this... tell it to the mayor.

Congratulations! You're a racist!

First off, Kanye West never said George Bush hates black people, he said George Bush doesn't care about black people. For getting the quote wrong that was central to your short pointless flash you deserve a zero.

Though besides the quote, this was racist, whether you want to admit it or not. And don't even try to put yourself in the same category as Dave Chappelle. Idiots like you are the reason he quit his show.

From Time Magazine:

"[Chappelle] wondered if the new season of his show had gone from sending up stereotypes to merely reinforcing them."

You think because Chappelle did some great sketches exploring and making fun of stereotypes, it's all right for you to spread your bigotry. Your reinforcing stereotypes, it's not comedy, it's just racism.

Bottom line, it was short, stupid, and not funny. If I wanted to hear the opinion about how black people are angry, irrational, and demand reperations, I could have just gone to the Ku Klux Klan's site.

The-WalrusZ responds:

I knew the quote fine. I exaggerated it. That's called comedy.
Making fun of sterotypes is funny... it's called comedy.
If a white guy talks about rednecks, it's funny. If a black guy talks about niggers, it's funny.
But OH NO! When a white guy points out the obvious... he's a racist. It's funny how most black people found this funny, and most white people find this racist. Maybe it's because intelligent black people are ashamed of their welfare, lazy, dumb, handout wanting brothers, just as much as white people are ashamed of THEIR welfare, lazy, dumb, crystal meth redneck brothers.

Nice Nice

That was good but it was only like thirty seconds long. Try 2 minutes next time. But it is nice work!!!


Ya did a good job. Nice parody an all. POWER TO THE PEOPLE.

This is satire, you guys...

Overall, it was mildy funny.
The funniest part was when you showed the White Castle with the Naruto cosplayers. I dunno, I liked that..