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Reviews for "Candy"

Bloody good show!

This was very well done, nice message too. ;)


haha....that was pretty cool and hella freky!!!!!!!!ooooooooooooo.

im so scared im shivering in my fuckin' boots!!...........lol...........


I don't understand the signification of this movie really!
I thinked it will be a gang of young who do stupid trick to the weak young and the weak get a revenge with fantasy but this one is maybe strange ?_?

oooh! Scary!

That was a bit spooky while it lasted but why didn't she just give her the cassorole??? Jeez it makes me happy to be in a country where only the people who watch too much Americain television celebrate it.

Truth be told, not too shabby!

she shouldnt just barge in houses like that

lol once i came to someones house at 11 at night with a friend (on the weekend) or it was sometime past ten because i remember leaving my house at 10 and me and my friend walked around for a while,anywho, we said "trick or treat" and this was about a monjth before halloween and the guy didnt give us candy,well the animation of this was great and i had a little chuckle out of it to but other than that i didnt realy like it