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Reviews for ".:EARTH-ROT:."

uhhhhh more zombies

it was really really short and i could just go watch dawn of the dead or resident evil if i wanted to see a "GOOD" zombie movie. But i guess for being 30 seconds it wasent to bad. But people....if you are going to make a zombie movie. BE SURE ITS GOOD GODAMNIT!!!!! THIS IS A BAD EXAMPLE OF A GOOD ZOMBIE MOVIE!!!!!!!


Really good, except for the worthless music, did not fit at all... sorry.

rap and zombies

ok thias disturbed me rap and zombies dont mix but it was still a good flash

Pretty good

My favorite was the dead guy chained to the wall. That was especially gross somehow. This was pretty cool, SO MAKE IT LONGER NEXT TIME! PLEASE! :)

Zombies are teh sex.

(a) a long ass boring movie with a plot

The only downfall of this flick, no storyline == pretty flashing pictures with no fucking purpose. Bonus points for it being zombie oriented, but shit man, put your skills to use and get someone to think up a plot for you if you have to. It's not hard and it's usually the first step of doing -anything-.

(b) a movie including sticks clocks

Those get blammed to hell by me.

(c) a movie with your shitty taste in music

I don't think homey's in hoodies with rap music are really in with the feel, but hey, go with what you know. I must say however, your taste in music is equally shitty as mine. :)