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Reviews for "A diary of an unborn kid."

that was pretty disturbing

that really had no taste at all.


that was good, funny as hell. the previous guy just doesnt have a sense of humor! anyway, keep it up, i like the work that you have out, good stuff. and for the previous guy, no no, fuck you! get a sense of humor and then come back to this site, cause this site isnt for little bitching complaining sissy fucks like yourself!

review and answer

theanswer to the question weather this is serious or not in the us well the answer is yes to some people for there is an on going battle between people about weather or not to count fetisus as human beings i will not side on this issue because well uhh i dont want to

Please tell me something.

When I watched the flash, I laughed. Then I read some reviews and started wondering. Do some people really think it's serious? The warning
in the preloader, the fetus in a dress sitting and singing on the piano, this corny crying and the happy music with dancing fetus at the end.
Perhaps the sense of humour is different here in europe, perhaps just here in germany (but it reminds me to the british humour, too).
Things like this flash, we call satire. Is this different in US? Tell me.

Hmm...Somehow humorous and touching. Intriguing...

I read some of the reviews for this and I found that the song was by Li'l Markie, and it's called "Diary of an Unborn Child" (figures, lol). I didn't really cry at this... nor did I feel sorry for the fetus... I won't go into politics (and by the way if you split the word politics up into 'poli' (many, in latin) and 'tics' (blood-sucking creatures) you get many blood sucking creatures...). I don't KNOW the purpose of this flash presentation, and I am not too sure that I care. I don't believe that people should go crying over this because that would be an act of foolishness.
If the author/maker of this flash (lazyboy) meant it to be a parody, which he excels at doing, I believe he did a good job. However, if this was created to bring an animation into the song or script or whatever to convey a feeling (maybe his own), like a lot of people have interpretted this as, I am not sure this presentation fits that purpose without adding an almost comical tone. I found that people can see this film in two ways, one being a possibly shallow sight that this is JUST a flash movie and probably designing to be funny (like of a lot of the author's other productions). But there is a possible depth here conveying the message that abortion is wrong and therefore is kind of political. I am not sure (I AM NOT SURE) why this was created and I thought it reasonable to assume this is JUST another random flash presentation (so, I have a shallow view of this flash movie). I hope that during the creation of this review I have not hurt anybody's feeling because this was not my intention. I am saying that it is unwise to cry over this because this is just another random flash (I believe so anyway), but should I be wrong then I am a stupid dumbass for misinterpretting the flash, and BTW I find the people that cried over this to have too brain cells activated to watch this.
If you are stupid enough to read the above section then you probably have patience, so good for you. Now to actually reviewing this thing.
Graphics: The background (where the fetus is) wasn't the best in the world but it was good enough to be effective and there was the possible flaw with the top line of the pictorial representation of the piano going through the head of the pianist (Note that the word possible is used as it may be there on purpose to further convey humor to the watching person thing).
Style: Very original and stuff and not many people would try this and it's nice to see some variation in flash presentation between your collection of flash movies and throughout newgrounds.
Sound: As I mentioned before the song is called "Diary of an Unborn Child" by Li'l Markie and the flash and sound go together well (like mouth movement and his idyllic view of the world).
Violence: Rare in this movie, I can only think of where the mother tried to kill the baby and herself.
Interactivity: This rating is completely irrevelant in a flash movie as usually the only thing to do is press the play button (and replay button if you so desire).
Humor: Looking at it from the possibility that this is merely a parody of a political point and of the song I found it funny, but not reallly hilarous or ROFLMAO funny.
Replay Value: This is one of your longer presentations and I think some people may watch it every now and again depending upon their perception of the flash: Those who found it funny may wish to replay this once or twice for their own entertainment for which I care not. As for those that can be represented by this emoticon:
;,(,,,,,,,0 (means crying so much that they make a puddle of tears), I don't know because I am not one of them.
Overall: This is a really good flash, quite random, but still good, it's not perfect, but it is close enough for me to give a ten on.
Another reminder in this short summary of this exceedingly long review: I do NOT know that any of the things I mentioned throughout this review are fact (I don't know the purpose of this flash production). AND I did NOT mean to offend anybody at all and if I did I am sorry to do so.
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