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Reviews for "A diary of an unborn kid."

to be honest...

Not my favorite. the animation was alright, not choppy or anything, but the style was just... a bit below average. The music was a good choice, however.

The subject matter, of course... You have to be either completely serious or completely comedic. if you stay on the fence about something like this, not many people will like it, and for good reason.
True, if you make it comedic, you'll have plenty of haters, but you'll also get people that like the jokes. This had no jokes.

All in all, it was kind of pointless. there wasn't really a message, at least, not one that was clear. I guess you could say you were trying to be anti-abortion, but it was still pretty trite. bring something new to the table, maybe it'll be better.


its always funny!


Firstly, man cultures find it inexcusable to return a gift so to serphantking, it's not that simple. I personally believe that abortion is the choice of the mother and it isnt wrong until the baby develops a conscience. This might sound inhumane to others, but to me, if even a live baby is killed painlessly before it can develop a clear conscience and think, it isn't morally inhumane. in the end though, it's a matter of opinion.
As for the video, I saw the end coming due to the constant things that he says starting with "when I see/live/am/etc.". The video itself was boring, did not contain any humor/horror or orther form of entertainment, as was NOT sad ( as that mustve been it's objective). All it managed to do was stir up a controversial subject and waste my time.

I dont know jackson60

I think abortion can be a good thing. Everyone thinks a baby is a gift from god. What if your not ready for a baby? Maye you don't feel responsible for a baby. If it's a gift from god, give it back.

This cute little short has a great message.

I agree abortian is very wrong if there is absolutely a chance of your baby livng in the world. My Mother almost got an abortian because my Eldest brother wasnt developing his lungs correctly. But my mom wanted t be sure. But, 14 hours after he was born, he had died :(. Abortian isnt birth control. Your killing a life tat could of ben a doctter or a scientist (or a crazy drunk guy running around naked), You never know. And you might never ever get to know. (Excuse my spelling Plox.)
Good job