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Reviews for "starcraft ep1 m3 p3"

Not great but it was okay....

Not bad. I admit it would take some time and talent to produce this movie. The motion tweening was good and the FBF was good. The designs on the ships were amazing but it was the blood animation that was terrible. If it wasn't repeated it would look more realistic. Anywho, not a bad movie. I'm interested in what you'll do next.

Does anyone who rate this play Starcraft?

Because if you do you'll give it the exact same grade I gave this... All he fucking did was made a copy of the Third Level in Original Starcraft... Holding the Bunker for 20 minutes... then evac comes and saves the damn merain's lives... You didn't really have anything related to Starcraft in the animations tho... The Zerglings? Ah! they looked nothing like those and the other human type of weapons... don't get me started... Anyway... Hope I never have to make my eyes suffer again by watching crudy stuff like this again...


I damn hope ull make more seriously OMFG I LOVED IT !

Eh. was ok, need work

Was alright, good idea, but your flash lacked a bit. The animation was ok, for instance the walking was ok, needs work though. the blood was "eh" at best, maybe look at some other flashes with good blood, the madness series is an example, and try to copy the style of blood that artists use, for inspiration. I did enjoy the accual sounds from the game and the forces. The detail on the Zerg was good but once again, work on the accual animation. this could be awesome, but you need to work on some things first. Keep making them, you'll only get better. Good job

I just don't get it (maybe that's the point)

Never into Starcraft, so maybe I miss out on some of the subtleties of this submission.

Clearly someone took some time putting this together. Some nice bits here and there w/ focus effects, 3D depth of animations (zoom in/outs). The cloud background was a nice compliement to the animations and color pallette for the movie.

While the length was substantial, it didn't seem to go anywhere other than to try and tell a story of a single battle....

The "human" character animations could use some work, but the "aliens" and some of the "uniformed" soldiers were nice animations.

Keep after it ... looks like a good foundation for something better to come.