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Reviews for "Porno Creep"

Wow, what a stereotypical flash.

Are you some dressed-in-black pathetic goth kid? Beaten by your parents and shunned as a child? Suffer from severe emotional trauma? You'd think so with this lame-ass flash you just crapped up. No symbolism, just pathetic, random bullshit. Damn goths. Make a real flash.

SeizureDemon responds:

Hmm I did make a real flash. You just watched it and reviewed it. Dont mean to toot my own horn but somehow it got on the front page. Damn goths, right?


Simon is an idiot anyway. I think he is suffering from a retard complex.

oh noes!

Not another Gorillaz obsessed retard >_<

Why can't you be original and not imitate those one-hit wonder cumdumpsters (and I use the word "hit" quite loosely)?
I'm not sure why you didn't use "Feel Good Inc" as a soundtrack in the first place.. then you could be like "OMGZ< LOOK!!! I M4DE GAWRILLAZ FLASH ABOOT GAWRILLAZ KILLING (LOLZ) STUFF TO GAWRILLAZ MUSIC! I LOV GORILLAZ AND SO SHULD U!! "

Pure crap

wat is this doing on frontpage? i mean, the animations are good, but randomness is getting a bit old, storylines people!


thanks for showing the world what an acid trip feels like