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Reviews for "B0UNC3 - Paradise on E"


It sounds JUST like any trance song, but nicely done when you think that someone at newgrounds did this.. You should try harder to make it unique, but you're still on the right track.

Sweden rocks.

I hate to sound nasty, but this track really rubbed me the wrong way.

Top mixing though, you've got quite some ability there.

Firstly, the off-beat bassline ceased becoming a credible element in a dance track in about 2001 or so. Try something new, at least for your own excitement anyway.

You've stuck some kind of general midi choir hit or something on the off-beat as well during the first part of the track.
This got stale, fast. As did the tinkly, bell kind of arp that ran through the track without variation from start to finish.. Although they didn't poke out of the mix uncomfortably, which was good. Once again, the overall mix was very adept.
And there's so many great effects around, many free, for messing with audio, there's really no excuse for having just dry, preset leads.

It just seems like you're creating 'Trance by numbers', when you could be creating 'Trance by BOUNC3'.

All the best BOUNC3, and well done on your popularity.

--- Note to all BOUNC3 fans

If you think I'm defaming your idol by offering some personal judgement and advice, then go ahead and zero vote all my tracks, and leave bitter, incoherent messages as well. I'm long past caring.

:( C'mon dude...

A great deal of this song is VEC.. I don't hear a single Z3ta, Vanguard, 3X OSC or anything.. Granted, you pulled off using the VEC great, but it just dissapoints me a bit..

B0UNC3 responds:

I just got VEC when i made this track so i basicly tried it out...Tho i can't see how it would be GOOD to actually hear what plugins that were used?IMO it sounds noobish if I can hear stock presets from a plugin in a track....

The lead = Vanguard
The bass = 3xosc
The bell = 3xosc
Strings = 3xosc
Bitchy saw lead = Ts 404 OR 3xosc

Keep in mind of when i actually made this too^^

If you still don't hear what i told u...then i suggest getting new speakers :P...Not the most positive review ever but thanks for you pointing that out anyway. I'll never put the real one on NG so I'm sorry but this one is what u all will hear for some time :P..

Thanks // B0UNC3

Is It Really Good? Attention Span Espionage

Ok, firstly mate, i'm not a 0 voter or an artist hater or w/e you call it.

I'm an honest 14 year old trance producer, that gives his honest feelings and doesn't mess about or look for drama.

The main melody of course is brilliant, and the notes are perfectly aligned.

But, for 286, now 287 reviews and 21,273 downloads, is this track really one of the best or THE best on NG?

You've got some unbelievable mastering and mixing skills, because thats one thing i pick out or accuse artists of lacking in, but this doesn't happen here, this is nicely mastered and never too loud or too quiet while keeping it's unique and driving passionate energy! I really respect this mastering/mixing.

The track starts like, the track, '' Have You Ever Felt Mellow? '', with some bells, and nice FX that unnoticably but realistically grabs the attention of the listener VERY VIOLENTLY.

This brings me to my next point, which has to be the biggest question in the trance section of NG EVER!

-> Is this the best attention span fufiller on NG, or is this the best Trance track on NG?

When people read to this point, my stuff is probably all 0/5 because they now think i'm a hater.

BOUNC3, i'm not saying attention span grabber is bad, this is what will earn you € mate, because nobody has a good attention span anymore, escpecially people my age, you play a nice 8 minute club buildup masterpiece, and after 8 seconds, they are like, '' I like it, whats next? '' I feel like screaming, FFS, YOU IGNORANT PRICK! I just feel this is 3-4 minutes of attention grabbing, while having common commercial synths and basses playing in the background. :)

Now, we actually do have to address the fact that, these synths and basses don't come easy, you have done amazing work to create them and master them and make them sound like the ones the pros use, but they aren't noticed mate. Most people who reviewed this dont say, '' Great use of instruments, and i like your mastering job. '' No, they say, '' THIS TRACK OWNS, OMG! '' Can you see where i'm coming from?

Now what did i think? (Finally)

It's a nice radio edit, with a lovely melody, a very nice beat, lovely chords, lovely synths and a nice driving bassline, that was worked hard on.

This raises a question to me, i know i respect you musically because of this, but do i respect you as a person? '' It's nice to be important, but important to be nice. '' Why not show me respect, as i've written you the longest review you might have ever gotten.

This is a great club track that DJ's would love to play out to thousands of drug influenced, raving, crazy individuals, but when i listen to it, i'm listening from the melodic, contemplative, intelligent end.

I enjoyed this, and wish you the best musically, in your bright future.

Cheers mate.


B0UNC3 responds:

Woah, I'm glad someone brought this review to my attention. You are of course right on MANY points and if someone would 0 vote you for being honest they must be fucked up.

I'm touched about what you said about my mixing/mastering. there is oen thing though, I wasn't any good at none of them when I made this (not to be modest) and I haven't mastered this at all. This track is certainly not the best trance track on NG, it is basicly a track from another genre that got misplaced on accident (ye I'm serious). This is a HARD DANCE TRACK and NOT a trance track =O. This is old and since no one starts out pro I can't argue with you about the instruments. At the time i thought they rocked, but as always people evolve. I have no idea what people like so much about this but im still ahppy about it, but i'd easily amke somethign better mixed and mastered now =S......Now I'm off to review ur pieces with just as honest feedback as you gave me. Thanks and MUCH respect for your honesty.

Note: I never planned to get this much attention for this track.. It's as if im blessed =).

Note 2: This is to everyone else who reads this. If ANYONE 0 votes him for being honest you suck ass!


copied anotha sing

deadly song luv it problem is dont da chorus bit sound wile similar to anotha song not sure whish now but it just copied loads of eats out of da other song dat not good now me only giv it 6 for da copied beats