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Reviews for "Newgrounds 10th Tribute"


Okay, it was made to say thanks, not for our entertainment. That's good because it wasn't entertaining, yet bad because it was just ten sets of counting to ten.

I mean...100 2-second shots of some random character saying a number between one and ten. How is that a great thanks? If you want to thank Tom Fulp, why not make a roast to him? That's always a great way to thank someone. /no1

Then again, I hate collaborations...They're just little 5-second shots of a random character. Like the Oasis video...wtf was that? Random chars lip-syncing...Nothing to do with the song. Just like this, nothing to do with thanking Newgrounds.

A good collab idea would be to have the artists come together to form a good idea...Not to have the artists create short shots of a random char so some other unknown can put them in order.

This was just horrible. I gave it a 2.


Worst concept for collab ever

As much as I love Newgrounds, that was just awful. First of all, there is nothing interesting about characters counting to ten over and over. Maybe if it had just been ten authors, it would have at least made sense. But is there really any point in counting to ten ten times? I think not.

On top of which, the few good slots there actually were were far too short to even enjoy. I know you guys just wanted to do something for the 10th birthday, but come on. Think of something better.

What a waste of talent.


Sorry but its more fun to watch them count on Sesame Street. Actually, thats what I felt like I was watching. Boring as hell.


Alright i LOVE newgrounds (and my hubby sometimes thinks more then him) BUT!!!!!!!!!!! as cute as it was to do the whole 100 artist things it was the most boring 5 minuets of my life.
a few good artist bunched into ALOT of well not so good ones..
PLEASE pay tribute to the great NG but dont bore us all to death till we want to spoon our eyes out with a rusty spork


Man that was boooreing. The animators did an exellent job obviously....but seriously, counting from 1 to 10 over and over again?
1...2...3...zzzzzz. That could have been really good, but it was the whole counting non stop business which almost put me to sleep, sorry...