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Reviews for "Newgrounds 10th Tribute"


Well other than the fact that it was a tribute to newgrounds...it wasnt very good. When i was getting readyt o watch this movie i figured there would be kick ass music and some good clips over the past ten years instead it was just a bunch of characters counting to ten over and over again i mean wtf...WTF!!??!!

It'sa Celebration...bitches!

---Beautiful! The teamwork, the support, the love! ;) Happy,happy,joy,joy!

C.A.A.H 85

You guys are nice to do this...

Maybe about a month late but better late than never.Only thing i did not like was the music in backround but NICE JOB!


Well... I thought it was a whole lot of awesome, good job to EVERY artist who contributed too this, and hey, the guys who run this website more than earn there thanks from every one of us!

As the guy before me said....

"Almost every artist was way too recent. Only about 2 or 3 of the artists were either actually old, or they just looked like another style of an oldie. I know half of all the old submission artists are either gone forever or they don't like NG anymore, but no AvocadoClock, or JeremyLokken, or Joxa, or even Razoric? I'm sure one of those guys would've been happy to contribute.

Not to mention I didn't even recognize a good 8/10 of all the artists. Either I haven't seen enough NG movies as of recently, or I'm just stuck in 2000 and I have no idea who the hell anyone else is besides Randy Solemn.

As a compilation submission, it's one of the best I've seen. As a tribute to NG's 10th Birthday, it's seriously fucking lacking. "

I agree but i dont think i saw any oldies i mean no legendary frog......i mean c'mon i dont like to be a bad critic but all that was say newgrounds isn't what it use to be and thats rather upsetting....