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Reviews for "Miss Dynamite XVIII"


well i have to say that was the worst in the series, the jokes seemed a bit to mean spirited and the whole robot thing was retarded after they started transforming. but not Blacki can say Dynamite rode her.


Haha, that's funny, I was thinking of Transformers even before that dumbass Optimus Prime came out. Over all, not too bad. Humor was a little.. umm.. corny though..

Not your best work

The plot was just weak. It tried to rely way too much on old pop culture references. You didn't even reference anything from this millennium. The graphics, as always, are very good although I think you could stand to do a more detailed style in some parts given the brevity of these animations.

I didn't notice any bugs on my mac, but I may have an atypical setup.

Fanboy Is As Fanboy Does.

Interesting, not too bad overall, but not too great. The artist's style makes it difficult to take any of the characters seriously, despite the lack... of... seriousness. The concept of "humans turning into robots" is alright, and I dug the Spanish voice acting, but overall, wasn't enough to convince me to watch the earlier episodes, which I assume there are, since this is no. 17.

And the Asian chicks' boobs being so fanboy huge wasn't redeemed by irony's sake even when they turned into motorcycle wheels.

thanx alot

good job making the hispanic die. I am hispanic, that makes me wonder. I guess in every movie the hispanic is destiened do die. why is that? most of the time he will die first!, then the african, then the asian, then the smoker, then the crying white female. and leave the hot white couple to live. I find that to be very offending.THYANX ALOT