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Reviews for "Xionic Revolution"

was that supposed to be funny

where was it funny? it wasn't funny... are you a child of 4?

Xionico responds:

i smell alt perphaps? bah nevertheless.
did u even bother to watch the other two flashes? cuz one of these isnt a funny one.
but i will suppsoe ure a 13/14 yrs old kid who just wants random violence, jsut go watch a madness thank you

well done

I can't wait for your next flash: "against fate"
anyway, this flash was awesome!

Xionico responds:

XD thanks a lot! i hope i can finish it soon @.@


man, that was great!

its one of the best flashes i have seen

make another one ASAP!!!

Xionico responds:

O.O! right away!
lmao thanks for ur review xD


That was great. Funny and definetly worth watching, I like your art style, with the overly large eyes and disproportioned bodies, reminds me of anime chibi's.

Xionico responds:

thanks a lot XD! and yeh i like to use that style cuz..its different lmao


1st: Reminds me a lot of Arfenhouse. Surprisingly, it was funny.

2nd: Meh. Somtimes funny. Sometimes not.

3rd:Wow.. nice guns..Ha. Looks like it'll be good when you completely finish it

Well, that was pretty good. Nice job on it.

Xionico responds:

1st: mmmh..i didnt see it that way XD, oh well arfenhouse rules! XD
2.- yeh it only had like 1 or 2 funny moments @.@
3.- thanks a lot =D, i hope it does xD
thanks for ur comments