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Reviews for "Mortal Kombat Kamidogu 7"



Bezo responds:

Ahahahahaha yes. Seriously. Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet. Perhaps you are a newbie or something. Perhaps you are Newb Saibot. I guess I shouldn't make fun of you then, because Newb Saibot is black and I don't want to be called a racist. So uh...how can you be a RetroGamer when you're like sixteen years old, man? I mean, the games that I consider retro came out before you were born. Are you like the video-game version of those renaissance faire people? Who like, doesn't understand stuff, but likes to pretend?

I'm just asking, that's all.

Anyway, thanks for the review. And the anime smiley. And say hello to your brother Sub-Zero for me.


This must've taken so long

This must have taken so friggin' long to make, I hope one day me and Dark Turtle'll be half as good as you two.

Bezo responds:

It did take a friggin' long time to make. And ]{0MBAT was always up and in my face about it, too. He was always telling me to start animating. And I was like, "Dude, I can't do this all the time. I have to have a social life. Or I might turn into the sort of person who likes to vote zero on everything and leaving bad reviews with even worse spelling. I hate those people. So very, very much." And then he was like, "Oh." And so, eventually we finally made the thing and now it's up. The secret to being as good at Flash as me is to not make a lot of Flash and spend a lot of time on the few Flashes you do make. And also, when you don't have any ideas, try to make Shao Kahn talk to a skeleton. That's the best way to do it. Nothing sells Newgrounds views quite like Shao Kahn talking to a skeleton, unless the skeleton was also on fire (which it was). Flaming skeletons = ratings. Someday, I hope to see a Flash by you and your Turtle. I have a turtle as well and he is very cute. I should give him some lettuce, because he's starting to chew on the cage, and he's gonna hurt himself. Anyway, this is the longest review reply I've ever made (I think) but you totally deserve it. Even if you don't understand it.

Man, in the time it took me to write this response, I could've made like, two flashes. Damn it. Oh well.



that was great man ive got to see the other ones wooooo!! it freakin hilarious

Bezo responds:

Thanks man. It's good to know that when it's all said and done, people think I'm hilarious. That's the most important thing. That, and the animals. We got to save them. Or else, what will we eat next year?


10's across the board

what can I say negative about this flash, hmmmm ive got nothing. Good job you rock.

Bezo responds:

I'm not a rock. I mean, I do like to raise my eyebrow at people. And I do like to drop the occasional People's Elbow, but I never played football for the Calgary Stampeders. And I never starred in a bunch of movies. And I never got a weird tattoo that kept growing everytime I appeared in public. So yeah, I appreciate your review, but don't me The Rock. That guy's cool, but he's no Bezo.



that was pretty funny, in a stupid way

Bezo responds:

What? How dare you? You're funny in a stupid way. Or stupid in a funny way. Or maybe you're just there and I'm just here. And I'm running out of creative ways to answer these. Good god, we got a lot of reviews.
